Uchiha Madara: Do you also want to dance?

Although he was a bit grumpy inside, Uchiha Madara said as he maintained a bland expression, "It looks like you guys are a bit more useless than I thought."

Aokiji raised his eyebrows; this guy's character is very bad. He failed to pretend that he was X and put on a high and mighty look.

Before he could say anything, he heard Akainu mockingly say, "Scum like you who only dare to hide in the dark corners, can only talk big here."

Fujitora nodded slightly at the side; in this aspect of a spitting image, boss Akainu is very good at it.

Uchiha Madara swept a cold face at Akainu, his voice low, "Heh, you also want to dance?"

Akainu first somewhat confused, this fellow opposite is sick in the head? Was scolded and invited to dance?

Hold on, is this bastard is humiliating him is not considered a man ... thought here, Akainu with a black face directly opened a big move, "Damn bastard, I will burn you to ashes today, Dai Funka!"

Uchiha Madara, on the other side, is also slightly confused; it is necessary to be so angry?

Or is it that the strongest people in this world are fragile in their minds ... Uchiha Madara's eyes shine brightly, and there is no hurry to capture people. Instead, they divide most of their minds to manipulate those ninjas who have been reborn in Edo Tensei to attack Akainu and others.

Although when he entered this world, he fought with the world's strongest, at that time, Madara did not know that this world has a "God" such existence, so he did not spend too much thought on the world's strongest, but put all his attention on his good friend side.

Now, since he had identified the final enemy, he also took the opportunity to get a feel for these otherworldly powerhouses' fighting style and characteristics.

"Jiongu - Issei Hōka!"

"Akahigi - Hyakki no Sōen!"

"C4 - Garuda!"

"Jinton - Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu!"



Dozens of terrifying energy fluctuations converged into a torrent, rushing towards Fujitora as if to drown him in this torrent.

"Because of the elementalization, so choose the old man as a breakthrough? What a ..." Fujitora somewhat helplessly pulled out his staff blade, "underestimated!"

Fruits Awakening - Jigoku Tabi!

"Blind old man, be careful ..." Naruto was about to warn, and then he saw a scene that made his jaw drop.

All the attacks that rushed towards Fujitora were suppressed to the ground in an instant.

"This, this is gravity, right?" Naruto looked at Killer Bee in bewilderment.

"It should, like, presumably, probably ... be?" Killer Bee said back with some uncertainty.

You should know that these attacks have physical attacks like Shin Sūsenju and have energy attacks like Jinton and Suiton, which have no physical properties.

It's not like he hadn't seen Doton Kajūgan no Jutsu; when did gravity even attract energy?

"Indeed, none of them is a simple character!" Uchiha Madara murmured, just as he was about to avoid Akainu's attack, an incomparably powerful gravity fell violently on these ninjas under his control.

"Although the ability is single, it is indeed stronger than most ninja in terms of ability development." Uchiha Madara took a deep look at the blind man across the room; without using the Shinra Tensei, he had already gotten the result on that monkey last time. His gravitational repulsion does not work on these elementalized creatures.

"Although the recovery speed of the body of Edo Tensei has become slower, as long as the characteristics of the immortal body are still there, destroying once or twice is simply not painful for me ..." Uchiha Madara looked blandly at the bursting mass of magma, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up as if he was laughing at the other side for nothing.

However, when the boiling mass of magma fell, his face was suddenly frozen.

The body of Nidaime Tsuchikage did not recover again, the body of Nidaime Mizukage disappeared by half, and the bodies of the others were also more or less defective.

"I can't believe that ... has failed!" "Nagato" looked at his left hand; the part above the wrist has completely disappeared.

"Arara, it seems that boss Longinus is right again!" Aokiji pointed his finger a few times, "If you use the highest level of Busoshoku Haki, it is possible to play a role."

Akainu laughed loudly, "Sure enough, only idiots will think about such things as world domination, such as you stupid, it is better to honestly wait for death."

A certain leader who was on his way but whose Kenbunshoku Haki had detected the sea said he was offended.

Uchiha Madara's face is completely black, "Originally wanted to leave this power to more valuable people, but, now it is better to let you this scum completely disappear!

The "Nagato" took out an eye, placed it into the eye socket with a bang, took out a black sphere from the interdimensional space, then removed the eye, and again placed the original Rinnegan with a bang.

When seeing this situation, Akainu and others are a little dumbfounded.

How can you play with your eyes like that? Withdrawal at will? These ninja's operation is too testy, right?

At the same time, the fox inside Naruto was warning frantically.

"Is this old man Rikudo's Gudōdama? Why does he have it too? Could it be that this bastard has reached the kind of realm that Old Man Rikudo has reached? Naruto, run away, this kind of power is impossible to resist!"

Hearing the exploding fox scream in his head, Naruto rubbed his temples in a rather troubled manner, "What are you talking about, Kurama?"

Seeing the ghostly rotation of the black ball is about to fly up, nine tails said in an urgent tone, "The person who touches that black ball will disappear into nothingness, quickly told the square face to dodge."

"Will disappear?" Naruto's heart was shocked, out of absolute trust in the nine horns hurriedly said, "Uncle square face, you absolutely can not touch that black ball, you will disappear!"

"Black ball? Disappear?" Akainu did not care what Naruto called him but stared intently at the black sphere.

He had just used his Kenbunshoku Haki to test it, and the moment he touched the black sphere, even Kenbunshoku Haki was swallowed up, as if it was a black hole that even light could not escape.

Although it is not clear what this is, he knows that this black ball is an incomparably dangerous existence!

Uchiha Madara ignored Naruto's shouting but focused on Gudōdama in front of him.

The actual body is still incomplete ten-tailed Jinchuriki, but to give "himself" the Gudōdama can still make this loss, only need some time to make up for it.

The key is that no one can touch Rikudō' Gudōdama!

For example, the Uzumaki clan is a distant relative of the Senju clan. This body of Edo Tensei has Rinnegan. He has experience in manipulating Gudōdama, which can barely use the body of Nagato to complete the control of Gudōdama.

Now, it's time to make that bastard dance!

Mobilizing the pupil power, Gudōdama ghostly turned up, then, through the air across a pitch-black track towards Akainu.

"Can't resist!" Even Akainu, in the face of that ordinary black hole Gudōdama also somewhat numb scalp; in his perception, it will temporarily break the black ball cutting through the trajectory of virtually even space.

Dai Funka!

Akainu, while using the ability to blast the black ball, while quickly stepping on Geppo to fly backward.

Not surprisingly, the magma had no use for that black ball.

At that moment, Fujitora fiercely pressed his staff blade downward, "Fruit Awakening - Jūryoku no Konton!"

However, the gravity that had previously affected so many energy attacks could not work on that black sphere this time.

"What the hell is this?" The usual lazy Aokiji, for the first time, fear of that strange Shinobi world rose.

After glancing at a few people, Uchiha Madara's demeanor became more and more wanton as he laughed, "This is the power of Rikudo, a power that only a god can master!"

On the other hand, Naruto, who had gotten some of the information from the nine horns, hurriedly said, "Attack Nagato, he is relying on Rinnegan to be able to manipulate the Gudōdama!"

Seeing that the two uncles are a little confused, Naruto added, "It's the man with the ripples in his eyes!"

Once he said this, Aokiji and others understood, ignored the chased Akainu, and charged straight towards Nagato.

"Troublesome guy!" The "Nagato" frown, if it was before he may not take these people's attack to heart, but after knowing that they can destroy the body of Edo Tensei, he naturally will not wait for them to attack.

"Jiton - Satetsu Shigure!"

Sasori manipulated the most powerful Kazekage in history. In a flash, waves of sand and iron were summoned out of thin air and formed into countless fine needles that shot towards Fujitora.

Seeing that he was again the target, Fujitora sighed helplessly and manipulated the gravity within the surrounding field to pull all the sand iron to the ground.

"Magen - Kijō no Rōkaku!"

"Suiton - Mizudeppō no Jutsu!"

Nidaime Mizukage, who only had the upper half of his body left, summoned a psychic beast to create a mirage, and at great speed, shot a bullet-like water iron cannon continuously from his fingertips to sweep at Kizaru.

"Those ninja speak of Suiton?" Suiton created with chakra does not have the "PYROBROIN" particles in the sea and is ineffective against the ability.

Of course, this ineffectiveness is based on the premise that those ninjas create water currents out of thin air rather than pulling them from the sea.

"Ice Age!" Aokiji exhaled a mouthful of cold air, and that cold current, like a poisonous snake, spread from the water column directly to the body of Nidaime of Mizukage, freezing it.

"The mirage is also invalid? Is it Kenbunshoku Haki that they talk about?" Uchiha Madara was not impressed; this is good, just in time to collect more complete data for him.

He has learned that Longinus does not seem to be this world's so-called ability user; that is to say, as long as he clearly understands this world's "Haki" system, he is already halfway to victory!

After all, the battle of ninja is the battle of information!

On the other hand, Fujitora, Naruto, and Killer Bee are also trying to break through the blockade to create a better chance for Aokiji.

As far as they are concerned, the elementalized Aokiji is undoubtedly the easiest to reach the "Nagato" side!

Uchiha Madara was unable to block a person without a physical body, whether Deidara's blast, Kakuzuo's combination jutsu or the strongest attack of Sandaime Raikage, all of which were passed through by the elementalized body.

Ice Block - Partisan!

In the eyes of Naruto and others surprised but stunned, "Nagato's" body was first penetrated by the ice spear, and then the body turned into a shadow of nothingness!

Rinbo - Hengoku!

Nagato was originally carrying Uchiha's Rinnegan; he was naturally able to manipulate this Rinnegan to use his exclusive pupil technique.

Aokiji first froze, then shouted, "Sakazuki, look out!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Gudōdama, who had been chasing behind Akainu, suddenly surged in speed.

"So fast!" The pupils of Akainu, who noticed this scene, contracted violently and did not have time to think about it; the body directly exploded into countless magma to escape in all directions.

The seeking jade that was chasing it stalled for a moment, seemingly not reacting, and only halfway swallowed the part of the lava fragment closest to it directly.

"This is, gambling on life?" Far away, Aokiji faces an incomparable gaze at this scene.

If Akainu was lucky enough, then the black ball might swallow up his appendix. Still, if Akainu were unlucky enough, then he would probably lose an incredibly important part of his body - his brain, his heart, or ...

The magma fragments in the sky soon began to converge; seeing this situation, Kizaru and Fujitora are also relieved to be able to fight back, at least that he did not die.

Then they finally got a good look at the part of Akainu that was missing.

There is a silence, and the corners of the mouth uncontrollably turned upward.

Stern face, determined eyes, and then shiny head give people an inexplicable sense of comedy.

Sakazuki, he ... is bald!