Speak a Heartfelt Word

"Haha, what's happening? Why do I feel like time has frozen?" Kankurou asked, swallowing hard.

"You also have this feeling? I thought I was alone in my delusion!" Kitsuchi was also in a bit of a trance.

Hearing the two of them say this, the surrounding crowd reacted.

"Hey? So everyone is like this?"

"Ugh! I thought I had awakened the blood succession limit of time stop!"

The experience was so unbelievable that the crowd was in a bit of a trance and disoriented, ignoring even the high-energy scenes ahead.

"It is not that time has stopped running, but that your consciousness has been suppressed to the point that you have lost contact with your bodies!" Tobirama stared gleefully at the tall figure in front of him.

"Surprisingly, there is a stronger aura than you, nii-san, no..." Tobirama's face was incomparably grave, "to be precise, it is not in the same dimension at all!"

"What? Surprisingly stronger than the aura of the first generation of Kage?" Sakura and others are a bit skeptical, but they have seen with their own eyes, Shodaime's aura is so strong that it can materialize!

"Haha! Not even close!" Hashirama laughed openly, "This one's aura can even change the sky!"

Following the gaze of Shodaime, the crowd looked up to the sky, which was originally a clear and bright sky, at some point is already dark clouds, tumbling raging thunder clouds as if the gods in the venting of anger.

Kakashi throat a little dry, "This, surprisingly, the aura can affect!"

Even the often overconfident Sasuke reveals a look of horror; he was once arguably his most powerful Raiton Kirin only to trigger the lightning in the sky. Still, in the scene in front of him, the sky actively followed that person's change of aura!

He now finally understands why that man Hawkeye at that time would have expressed reluctant approval of Shodaime Hokage's aura; indeed, after seeing this kind of mind-blowing power, Shodaime Hokage's kind of aura is nothing.

If they were just surprised at the other party's overpowering mind aura, then Uchiha Madara was completely disoriented!

He could perceive that the other party did not have the Sixth Path's power, but in a way he could not understand, using the most powerful force to and brutally break Gudōdama!

This kind of thing, even Rinne Tensei no Jutsu can not do it, right?

After the shock, there came shame and anger!

He had been pushed into the ground and couldn't even break free.

What's even more hateful is that those bastards around him completely ignored his existence!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but burn "life" once again, "Tendō - Shinra Ten..."


Before the words fell, the huge pit where Uchiha Madara buried once again erupted in a noisy and manic wave, "Nagato" could not easily raise the upper body, once again pressed by the man into the deeper ground.

On the other hand, those reborn in Edo Tensei frantically rushed towards Uchiha Madara's location.

"Be careful, Suiton - Su..."

"Raiton - Rai ..."

However, before the crowd could complete their jutsu, Haoshoku Haki that swept across the island before exploded once more, this time confining its power to the tiny street ruins.

The ninja who was reborn from Edo Tensei acted mostly on instinct and could not withstand the impact of Longinus' overwhelming color.

In an instant, the powerful ninja who once reigned over the Shinobi world fell like rain; although it did not damage their bodies, their consciousness had all dissipated!

After seeing this situation, the crowd's mouths involuntarily opened wide, and the half-formed seal also stopped.

Too powerful, this is the power of this world's "God"? ... Looking at the tall and imposing back, for a moment, the surrounding area fell into absolute silence!

After a long time, Uchiha Madara's voice suddenly sounded.

"You are the god of this world? Heh, really strong enough!"

"God?" Longinus shook his head, "There has never been a god in this world, and I am just a slightly stronger ordinary person. Compared to the title of god, I prefer the expression of leader of the alliance."

The corners of the mouths of the distant crowd twitched wildly; how dare a monster as you call yourself an ordinary person?

Since when are ordinary people so desirable?

"There is no god?" Uchiha Madara's complexion changed, and his heart, which had become somewhat restless because of his steep entry into the Rikudō level, gradually smoothed out, "You're right, something like a god shouldn't exist in the first place!"

In the distance, Hashirama's eyes lit up, "Madara, you've finally figured it out?"

Uchiha Madara looked at him and said in a cold voice, "Yes, I have indeed figured it out."

"The reason why I failed is because of those 'gods' obstacle, next time, I will clear those 'gods' before coming to fight with you again!"

The first thing Sasuke did was to be stunned. His expression suddenly changed, but before he could ask, Uchiha Madara was actively giving up Nagato's body, and his consciousness returned to the Shinobi world.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, did not know what to say.

Seeing that the scene was somewhat cold, Inuzuka Kiba reminded, "That ... should we go clean up those White Zetsu now?"

"There's no need for us to do anything anymore." Tobirama shook his head.

"Huh?" Inuzuka Kiba and Akamaru's heads tilted in unison.

"It was the time when you had the illusion that space and time had stopped running, the White Zetsu on the island, all stunned by his aura!"

Hearing Nidaime Hokage said so; the crowd could not help but jump on the surrounding buildings that were barely preserved intact, looking down on the island to take in all the situation in the eyes.

In addition to the fact that the average Shinobi-level combat power of the White Zetsu, but now foaming at the mouth all over the islands.

Many people were shocked to find that, in addition to the White Zetsu, none of the ordinary people were affected.

The large range of attacks encompassed dozens of peninsulas, but still accurate to distinguish between the enemy and friend, which is precise to the extreme control, really shocking.

"One hundred, one hundred thousand White Zetsu's battle power was killed in seconds just like that?"

"In this way, he is the only one left on Uchiha Madara's side?"

The crowd was in a bit of a trance, the mega war that had rippled through the entire Shinobi world, and in an instant, only Uchiha Madara, the base commander, was left!

In other words, the crisis that once swept the entire Shinobi world was solved by a single person, and it took no more than a minute to solve!

Thinking of this, the crowd looked at that figure with increasingly shocking admiration.

On the other hand, Longinus slowly turned around and smiled gently, "Welcome to the Light's world!"


In the Shinobi world, the Rikudō Madara pressed his forehead and gently rubbed it.

In addition to Nagato's body, he also controls two other bodies. When it impacted the consciousness in these three bodies back to the body, the stinging pain superimposed on them made him a bit uncomfortable.

The Black Zetsu asked with some surprise, "Madara-sama, what is this?"

Madara pressed his forehead with one hand, his eyes incomparably grave, "that man called Longinus, really strong!"

He seems to feel that this is not enough attention; he added, "Among the people I have met, no one is stronger than him!"

"Lost?" Black Zetsu said to himself, and then reassured, "After all, what you're using, Madara-sama, is not your own body, if it were the original body, it would be absolutely easy to defeat him!"

In a sense, Black Zetsu's confidence in Madara is even stronger than Madara himself; after all, the power Madara is using is the same power his mother used to use!

As the first filial son in the Shinobi world, he rightly believes that there can be no power more powerful than the Ten-Tails.

However, Madara said with a slight shake of his head, "No, he is powerful beyond anything you understand! I even have a hunch that his true strength may be more powerful than the current me!"

"What? This is absolutely impossible!" The Black Zetsu screamed.

Uchiha Madara frowned slightly; the black Zetsu's behavior looks a little too aggressive!

Seeing Uchiha Madara's scrutinizing gaze, Black Zetsu's heart was startled, but quickly asked as if nothing had happened, "Madara-sama, do you mean to say that there are also people in that world who can master the power of the Rikudō?"

Uchiha Madara pressed down his doubts and said in a deep voice, "No, not the power of the Rikudō, in fact, I still can't understand how he did it!"

Black Zetsu asked tentatively, "Madara-sama, then our plan ..."

"Still going ahead with the original plan." Uchiha Madara said blandly, "I can sense that even if he is stronger than me, he is definitely stronger to a limited extent, in this case, it is not that I do not have the opportunity to capture the eight tails and nine tails."

Black Zetsu repeatedly nodded, "As long as you complement the power of the Ten Tails, Madara-sama, that other-worldly god is certainly no match for you!"

"However, before that ..." Uchiha Madara looked up to the sky, his gaze seemed to penetrate the dimension, "first, we have to take care of some 'gods' that may be blocking our way! Dispose the gods first!"


Over the Sabaody Archipelago.

Only after Longinus and the others had departed for most of the day did the two people in the clouds dare to show themselves.

"Whew!" Kinshiki first took a long breath and then looked at Urashiki with fearful eyes and asked, "You saw it, right? You saw it, right? That human ... no, that monster actually broke Gudōdama, the Gudōdama ah!"

Kinshiki was behaving badly, but this time, Urashiki did not laugh at each other in his mind.

Because this time he was also stunned!

It was Gudōdama, a product of the supreme realm that few of the Otsutsuki clan could have ever stepped into, but that monster with a single punch shattered such a powerful force!

He didn't even think that this was that monster's full power.

"Damn! What kind of level of world is this?" Urashiki said in his heart, gritting his teeth, they had conquered countless planets, but they had never seen such a terrifying world.

Luckily there was only one monster like that; if there were a few more, he would have to worry about their world being counter invaded!

"There's no way it'll work." Kinshiki eyes lax, as if a salted fish that has lost its ideal, "We simply can not snatch back the eight tails and nine tails from the hands of that kind of monster, it can not be done, it can not be done ..."

"Kinshiki-senpai, I do have a way to save Momoshiki-senpai, however, I may need a little help!"

"Great, say it, I'll do anything you want!"

Urashiki smiled as his right hand instantly thrust into Kinshiki's chest, "Is that so? Then I'll be glad to help!"

When Urashiki suddenly said "heartfelt" words to himself, Kinshiki is still a little unprepared, "You, you are ..."

"The two of us are too weak, only as one can be able to snatch back the eight tails from those people ..." Urashiki said with a fierce face, "So, in order to save Momoshiki-senpai, Kinshiki-senpai, please let me turn you into a pill!"