New Expedition (True - End of the Whole Book)

Roar! Roar!

Ten tails roar in agony while the body constantly grows tentacles slapped at the surrounding sea.

Those tentacles carried unparalleled power; they can blow up each slap on the sea surface thousands of meters high waves.

As if a curtain between the sea and the sky, many small aircraft can not dodge directly swallowed.

At this point, the strong people who had been waiting around for a long time swarmed up.

Compared to battleships and flying machines, they had stronger manoeuvrability, and those twisting tentacles could hardly attack them even if they tried their best.

"Ryusei Kazan!"

"Ryu no Ibuki!"

"Mokuton - Kajukai Kōrin!"

"Raiton - Indora no Ya!"


A forest rose out of nowhere in the centre of the sea, and while the paralyzing pollen stained the body of the Ten-Tails, the gnarled and powerful branches bound the entire Ten-Tails, and from a distance, it looked as if the entire forest was a prison for the Ten-Tails.

Then, all kinds of thunder, magma, wind blades, light beams, and even slashing and arrows almost instantly poured on the ten tails so that the ten tails of the huge body began to wriggle in pain.

At this time, the forest cage suddenly bred terrifying energy fluctuations; dazzling lightning fireworks centre can vaguely see dark obscurity!

"Everyone out of the way, open the force field shield!" Longinus gave the order simultaneously; an instantaneous body flew into the cage, just a fierce punch on the still unfinished Bōchō Gudōdama.

Bōchō Gudōdama was knocked back by Longinus, got exploded at the head of the ten tails, even the half-finished Bōchō Gudōdama, at this moment also exploded out of the incomparable terrifying energy fluctuations.

The sea's surface directly emerged a huge crater thousands of meters in diameter, like the bottomless abyss that suddenly appeared at the bottom of the sea, swallowing all that seawater. Many of the giant ships and aircraft that were affected and the ice and snow melted in an instant under the hot sun!

Seeing this situation, everyone could not help but open their mouths wide; they realized that Longinus said before the world's end may not be an exaggeration!

If we let that blackball expand indefinitely, it might not be the sea that disappears, but the planet beneath our feet!

"Hmm? What about Longinus-sama and that monster?"

"They should not return together ..."

"Down there, they're fighting under the sea!"

The next moment, a man and a beast bathed in seawater rushed to the surface.

Longinus' right hand was so bloody that even his finger bones were exposed. At the same time, Ten-Tails was even more miserable, with almost half of her body reduced to nothingness in that obliterating attack.

However, what is even more exaggerated is their ability to recover.

Even if the battle never stops, their injuries are still recovering at speed visible to the naked eye.

"As expected of Bōchō Gudōdama that can reduce the world to nothingness, it even broke my defense!" Longinus was indeed surprised, apart from the nuclear explosion test fifty years ago; this is the second time in these hundred years he tasted the taste of injury!

However, he also saw the limit of the Ten-Tails!

"Everyone, fire at me!"

For Longinus' traditional performance, the government's crowd executed the order faithfully without any half hesitation.

In a sense, their confidence in Longinus was even stronger than Longinus himself!

On the other hand, a group of ninjas swallowed hard; they have not seen this kind of operation.

Soon, the situation on the battlefield has changed.

Longinus's injuries were recovering, but the state of the Ten-Tails was deteriorating!

These cannon fire beyond the defence of the ten tails, but still in the range of Longinus!

"Oka-sama ... Oka-sama ..."

Under the efforts of the Black Zetsu, Kaguya's consciousness that had fallen into a rampage finally began to recover.

"I am ... hiss it hurts ..."

Kaguya was not a strong-minded person in the first place, and being a lucky child who took a step up to heaven, her will was far worse than the average strong person, let alone compared to Longinus.

This tidal wave of pain came one after another, so she almost fainted from the pain; looking at the cold eyes of Longinus, she even had a hint of retreat.

Black Zetsu now also realized that his old mother did not seem to be a match for Longinus and hurriedly reminded, "Oka-sama, the only one of them worthy of attention is Longinus, as long as we can separate them, this battle will be won for sure!"

Hearing Black Zetsu say this restored Kaguya's confidence a bit.

"You're right, gods don't lose!" Kaguya kept whispering as if hypnotizing herself, "Yomotsu Hirasaka!"

The surrounding space shifted, and the two disappeared from the crowd's sight in an instant with one instant of darkness.

"Damn! It's a spatial ability!" Akainu frowned.

"Kakashi-sensei, can your Kamui open the channel?" Naruto asked anxiously.

"I'll give it a try." The chakram in Kakashi's eyes spun rapidly, and soon, blood flowed down from the corner of his eyes, "No, it won't open!"

"Damn it! What in the world to do?"

At this point, Vegapunk blandly spread the palm of his left hand and said, "Do not worry, the leader has his own arrangements."

The crowd turned their heads to look and suddenly found a single rippling blue eye in his palm!


In the magma space;

The moment he entered, Kaguya mobilized the entire space's magma to pounce on Longinus.


The furiously hot magma was as docile as a sheep under Kaguya's control.

In the state of natural integration, she naturally had powers that were countless times higher than those of Akainu's nature awakened!

However, Longinus is bathed in magma directly up, thousands of degrees of heat, for him can only be considered a barely warm hot bath.

Seeing Longinus rushed over unhindered by half, Kaguya was somewhat puzzled with her fingertips pointing at the lava, "Is this fake rock ... hiss so hot!"

After seeing the old mother go off in battle again, Black Zetsu physically and mentally screamed, "Oka-sama, watch out!"

"Huh?" When Kaguya raised her head, it was an iron fist with crimson lava bleeding between her fingers that occupied her vision!


It broke one of the sharp horns on Kaguya's head with a loud sound, and she, herself, was blown away and embedded in the rock wall.

"Amenominaka - Kajō Jūryoku Kūkan!"

Amidst Kaguya's frantic shouts, the surrounding space shifted again, and gravity was applied ten times a hundred times to Longinus.

"In this super gravity environment, I'll see how your physical skills still ... pfft!"

Before the words were out of her mouth, Kaguya was blown away again.

The speed of Longinus was barely slowed down, appearing above her head in an instant, with his right leg raised high like a sharp axe slashing down, causing Kaguya's neck to nearly crushing on her body.

Kaguya took her neck out with force and looked at Longinus with eyes that had turned from anger to fear; she really couldn't understand how an ordinary human could be so powerful.

Even without the obstruction of those people, she is not the opponent at all!

Even with an immortal body, Kaguya could not suppress the fear in her heart.

After all, this man's power and her two rebellious sons is not at all a level; what Hagoromo and Hamura can not do, he may be able to do?

Seemingly sensing his mother's fear, little black hurriedly soothed, "Oka-sama, don't worry. Even if he is strong, he is only a human, as long as we return to the present world, he will die of thirst and hunger in no time!"

Kaguya eyes once again bloomed; she can return; in addition to the efforts of the black, the most critical is that she has simmered Hagoromo and Hamura.

Therefore, for this off-board trick, she did not half reject.

"Stay here and decay with the years!"

Between the voice flow, one person and one black disappeared from in front of Longinus' eyes.

"Heh! It really puts people down!" In the silence of the supergravity space, Longinus laughed lightly and said.

Otsutsuki Kaguya's ability indeed has all kinds of convenience compared to a strong physical fighter like him, but to think that this can banish him is too much to underestimate his strength.

At least, with his future foresight and extreme speed, he can completely bind with Kaguya directly before the other party shifts space.

"However, I don't have to do that." Longinus smiled and spread out his right hand, with a chakra eye also embedded in the palm.

Although he had already tried out Kaguya's limit, with his current strength, it was still a little troublesome to make Kaguya completely defenceless - he needed to borrow some power without attracting Kaguya's attention as he did before!

The outer world.

The space-like ripples instantly attracted the attention of everyone.

Seeing that it was Otsutsuki Kaguya who came out, all of them were shocked and angry.

"Where is Longinus-sama? Why are you the only one who came out."

"Damned bastard! Where did you take Longinus-sama?"

Kaguya naturally wouldn't say she was scared away; her clear cold gaze swept over the crowd, "He'll stay in that space forever!"

Surely this is the most likely answer ... thinking of Vegapunk's analysis, the crowd's expression mildly blinked.

But soon, they became "crazy" shouted.

"No! This is absolutely impossible!"

"Fight with her, no matter what, we have to save the leader!"

Then, Sasuke lightly pressures the left eye at the right time said, "I perceived some information, it may be possible to try to open that space to save Longinus-sama, however, it will consume a lot of chakra!"

Kaguya's face changed slightly; she sensed Hagoromo's chakra on the other side, which is indeed possible to do if it's a gift from that rebellious son!

Naruto, on the other hand, excitedly put his right hand on Sasuke's left shoulder, "I have more chakra, use mine!"

Kakashi followed and put his left hand up, "My Kamui can help too."

"No good, Oka-sama!" Black Zetsu screamed again, "We have to take care of the three of them first!"

Kaguya nodded slightly, "Then let's start with you three ... to reclaim the chakra!"

As soon as the words fell, the raging power of space wrapped around the three and disappeared.

When Kaguya disappeared, Hashirama hurriedly reminded, "Vegapunk-sama, please inform Longinus-sama as soon as possible, their three strength will not be able to support for too long in the hands of Otsutsuki Kaguya!"

Vegapunk also knows that time is short, directly spread out his left hand, to the left-hand palm of Rinnegan said, "You can start."

He, along with Longinus, have embedded Rinnegan in their hands that are all part of the Otsutsuki method, and using this Rinnegan, they can freely travel through the space woven by Otsutsuki Kaguya.

The next moment, Longinus returned to the present world from the supergravity space.

As soon as he appeared, he condensed a blazing white lance in his hand, "Next, I'm counting on you all!"

The people who he had already explained naturally did not doubt solemnly passed their power over.

On the other hand, due to the lack of Naruto's superpowered external, the trio was badly wounded in just a few minutes.

"It's too strong! I really don't know how Longinus-sama fights such monsters!" Kakashi covered his eyes and sucked in cold air.

"Hold on a little longer, soon ..." Naruto said, suddenly whispering in a voice of suppressed joy, "It's ready!"

Sasuke asked, "Are you sure?"

Naruto nodded heavily, "I suddenly have an extra surge of chakra, it should be the release of the clone!"

Sasuke exhaled a foul breath, pressed Naruto and Kakashi shoulders, then mobilized all his pupils to open a spatial channel!

"So it is to escape to the present world!" Originally tense, Kaguya, also relieved, took the initiative to follow, "Heh! A one in five chance doesn't even dare to gamble on it?"

It is not clear which space Longinus is in, and the stored pupil power can only support the opening of the passage once; in this case, escape to the present world is not unexpected.

"However, you lose the last machine ..." step by step to the exit of the space; Kaguya widened her eyes abruptly; the scene in front of her almost lost the ability to think.

Longinus, who should have been in supergravity space, appeared in front of her eyes, and even more frightening was the terrifying lance in Longinus' hand that emanated an aura of destruction, making her blood freeze!

Perhaps not as powerful as her Bōchō Gudōdama in terms of overall power, but in this aspect of the single attack, that blazing white lance might be far more powerful!

Subconsciously, Kaguya turned around and fled towards the interdimensional space.

At this point, the long-awaited reminder of Longinus shouted, "Madara, are you happy to be swallowed by will like this? Quickly wake up, do not let me all look down on you!"

Under the double provocation of Hashirama's words and the seeds planted by Longinus earlier, the already sleeping Uchiha Madara's will struggled violently.

"Damn it! It's the will of that worm!" Kaguya's heart surged with intense resentment and remorse.

If it were normal, she would only need a few microseconds to suppress Uchiha Madara's will.

But now, these few microseconds were enough to decide everything!

Like that, Kaguya froze at the sub-dimensional doorway and then watched as the lance pierced itself through!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As if the blazing sun in the sky fell into the sea, the whole world trembled violently, and the space behind Kaguya was destroyed as a terrifying spatial storm swallowed everything!

Pain ... This was the only consciousness Kaguya had left.

That stormy power tore her body into countless pieces, and every moment, she had to suffer countless times more pain!

For her, whose will was not too strong, this pain almost brought her spirit to the brink of collapse.

What was even crueller was that as an immortal body, she had the luxury of even dying and could only keep repairing her body and then keep experiencing this pain that tore her body and soul apart again.

By the time Longinus came to her side, the former goddess of Rabbit was already looking like she had been played out.

Even Naruto, who was ready to perform the sealing, was a little uncomfortable, "Isn't this a little too ... much for us?"

Only, unfortunately, Longinus will not have compassion for his prey, "You pity her. But who pities those who are made into White Zetsu? Don't waste time, we won't have a second chance when she recovers!"

Hearing Longinus mention White Zetsu, Naruto also recognized the reality and cooperated with the other powerful ninja to use the sealing technique!

Soon, they sealed Otsutsuki Kaguya's will into Longinus, and then, the drained Uchiha Madara fell.

Uchiha Madara's death was not a matter of concern to Longinus, who felt the incomparable power within him!

In a sense, Kaguya was not wrong.

Although his strength is incomparably powerful, he is not considered a perfect life form without too many transcendent abilities.

And now, it filled the last piece of his shortcomings!

More importantly, the existence of the divine tree gave him the hope of becoming infinitely stronger!

Of course, he would not kill the chicken and take the egg like the Otsutsuki clan; in his opinion, borrowing the chicken to lay eggs is what a smart person should do.

"Whew!" Ignoring the stuffy conversation that Hashirama and Uchiha Madara were talking about, Longinus took a deep breath to look at the boundless starry sky, "Perhaps, it's time to start a new expedition!"

(True - End of the Whole Book)