Phoenix Flame.

Chapter 28: Phoenix Flame.

Li Jun finished drawing the array on the floor before calling Haru over to stand inside it. "Now no matter what happens don't leave this circle." He pointed down to the array on the floor. "Okay I won't, but what should I do now?"

"Be patient. Cultivate or something I still have something I need to do first." Li Jun told him. Haru sat down and closed his eyes and began to cultivate as Li Jun pulled the bag of herbs from Haru's ring. He searched through them before pulling out the three that he needed. Blue laced grass seeds, Wolfberries, and ginseng roots. He looked back over to Haru he was still cultivating. "Is this a good idea? I'm not even sure it will work." He muttered before he shouted toward Haru. "Okay, We are ready. Watch me first."

Li Jun stood with his arms out with all of the herbs in one hand as a purple fire emerged from his other. He injected his Qi into the herbs and moved them to float around in the air in front of him. He took the flame in both of his hands and amplified the power. The herbs began to let out the smell of fresh pastries as it floated toward Haru. The Herbs began to change colour before liquefying. Li Jun then took the liquid surrounded by his Qi and forced them together. They merged together inside the flames and took on the form of a small round pill no bigger than the size of a pea.

Haru watched as Li Jun made it look easy. How am I supposed to do that? I don't even know how to make fire let alone control it! He thought to himself as Li Jun's flames slowly flickered before disappearing. "See it's simple no you try it." He used his Qi to throw the three herbs toward Haru. He caught them all in one hand as he was nearly knocked from his feet with the impact of them hitting his hand.

"Uh, How do I do this? I don't even know how to create fire…" Haru said hesitantly. "Feel it. Imagine a fire and make it take the form of your imagination. That is all you have to do. So just sit there until you figure it out. If you can't even learn this much by yourself then don't call me back out." Li Jun flew back inside the ring.

Great! Just great! What did I do wrong? It seemed like he was mad at me. Haru thought as he sat back down holding the herbs. He began to gather Qi in his hand and imagined the flame from a candle flickering in his hand. A gentle heat began to emerge from his hand before vanishing. He tried again, and again it was all no use. How am I supposed to do this! Why is it so difficult? He questioned himself before trying to relax.

He closed his eyes this time and began to imagine the soft light of a flame growing hotter and hotter in his hand. When suddenly he heard the screech of an eagle flying overhead. He opened his eyes to see it flying away. "That's right. The phoenix…" He said aloud.

Li Jun was inside the dragon emperor ring but was still keeping an eye on Haru. "That's it. You've got it." He cheered from behind the scenes. "You know, After all this time we have known each other I have never seen you so proud. You didn't even treat your children this well." Lao spoke out and mocked Li Jun.

"Well, I feel connected to him. It isn't just every day you find a student who has stepped into the cycle of reincarnation. And not just once. You should know that first hand Lao." Li Jun said as he watched Haru outside with excitement. "True, You are the most exceptional student I have ever taught. But I am jealous that I couldn't be Haru's master too. He reminds me much of yourself when we first met." Lao and Li Jun talked back and forth reminding themselves of the countless years they had spent together. "It's a shame I won't be able to teach him for long. I feel the pull becoming more and more restless. I think I will become whole again once more. Look after him when I'm gone." Li Jun felt regret.

Haru closed his eyes once again. But this time instead of imagining a simple flame he began to remember the phoenix. The heat of its flame, The gentle flickering, and the sheer power held within it. He felt his whole body become warmer and warmer before his head began to ache. It felt like his eyes were being ripped out of his skull. "Don't force it! You Idiot just wait I'm putting a stop to this." Li Jun called out as he flew from the ring.

Haru stood up with his body dripping in sweat. He opened his eyes as tears of blood streamed from them. His eye colour had now changed. They were flickering with the golden light of divinity. "I've got this!" He shouted out through gritted teeth. His whole body became consumed by flames as immeasurable power coursed through his body. His will power was the only thing keeping the power from spiraling out of control.

"Quick Haru! Start the pill refining process!" Li Jun shouted out. Haru began to transfer his mana into the herbs making them float in front of him. He then started to move the flames. It was no use the more he tried to manipulate the flames the more the roared out of control. His vision was blurry as his eyes pooled with blood. "That's it! I'm going to do this one way or another!" The flames began to hiss out as he let the flame grow more and more until the herbs were consumed by the flames.

He began to smell the scent of burning grass stinging the inside of his nose. I need to calm down the fire is too hot it's burning! He couldn't do anything about it but stand and watch as the herbs were beginning to disintegrate. Calm! Calm! Calm! He told himself over and over again when an idea came to him. He wasn't sure if it would work but he had to try. He closed his eyes and began to cultivate to regain his control. The fire still roared like an inferno but he paid no attention to it as he entered his soul ocean. He looked around. The sky was blue and the same water looking floor was beneath him.

He heard a scream come from above him. It was the phoenix. It cried out in pain as it's power was being forcibly consumed by Haru's body. "Am I doing this? I'm causing you so much pain… I'm so sorry." The young phoenix fell to the floor breathing heavily. Its flame began to flicker. It was about to be extinguished. The phoenix looked at him with pain in its eyes. He placed his hand on its head and sensed the Qi flowing from its body. It was all being directed toward Haru. He looked down with pity. He didn't want to kill a newborn phoenix but how was he supposed to control this power? He had no idea.

The phoenix looked into Haru's eyes dragging his consciousness into its own mind. It was dark. There was nothing around but a golden light. It was calling out toward him. Haru walked closer and closer to the light and then reached out his hand. Memories were transferred to Haru's brain. It was painful but nothing compared to the pain he felt during his bloodline awakening. Since the phoenix was only born recently it had no memories the share only it's instincts. It's instinct of danger and most importantly it's instinct on how to control fire.

Nothing had changed for Haru. His power didn't increase the only thing that happened was he gained the ability to understand flames, Feel their emotions and source of power. Haru then forced himself back outside. The flames were roaring but he could feel them. The didn't have any power to them it was just a flame of brute force the only emotion the fire had was anger. It was the embodiment of the power to destroy. He began to calm the flame by injecting his Qi and gathering it within his own power. The fire resisted being controlled and continued to destroy the herbs.

Suddenly another screech of pain echoed out as a new flame appeared. Haru looked toward it. It was taking the form of the phoenix trapped within his soul ocean. The phoenix flew in front of the flames sucking them into its mouth. The flames had vanished completely all that remained was the flame in the form of the phoenix. "Phoenix flame… It really is…" Li Jun said quietly as the lightly toasted herbs were liquefied and formed into the shape of a pill.

The flames died down and a weight was lifted from Haru. He fell to the ground. "Haru!" Li Jun shouted and made his way toward him. Haru laughed like a maniac and held his hand up in the air. "I did it! I actually did it!" He coughed up blood onto the floor.