Beast Core.

Chapter 88: Beast Core.

Haru looked down at his hand seeing the snake between his fingers. He didn't actually think that he would grab it in time. He just got lucky as reflex told him to grab it as he flew closer.

He then looked at the cloud feathered eagle who seemed to be happy as its eyes opened a little wider as it looked toward Haru.

"Thank god for that," Lao said with a sigh.

"What do you mean? Is this snake poisonous or something?" Haru asked.

"No, nothing like that. It would be fine if you fed it to your pet bird but you would lose a valuable material. Illusionary Vipers are also from the upper realms.

Most beasts from the upper realms contain something called a beast crystal. But is more commonly referred to as a core. As it is where the beasts store their Qi. If you absorb the Qi from inside it will instantly improve your cultivation.