Snow Feathered Ancestral Dragon.

Chapter 156: Snow Feathered Ancestral Dragon.

"Li Jun? Lao? Are you there? Haru called out into the emptiness of his soul ocean. He needed answers before but they didn't come to him. The last thing he wanted to do was disturb them but he was confused as the where they had gone. He felt bad as he called for them both once again but to his surprise, they both appeared one after the other. 

"That girl! Where did she go?" Li Jun was the first one to ask as he appeared from thin air and approached Haru with a long stride to close the distance as fast as possible. 

"Girl? What girl?" Haru asked confused. Why was Li Jun acting this way? It was unlike his usual self. 

"The young girl that you saved. Where did she go? No one must harm her." Li Jun said with a little bit of frustration in his voice.