I challenge you to a duel.

Chapter 166: I challenge you to a duel.

The man bent down next to the young man who was laying on the floor and put his hand over his shattered leg. He channelled some of his Qi into the bone to try to reline it but the bone was broken into pieces that were too small to reline.

"Dad! Please help me!" The young man begged of his farther while clutching his shoulder with his other hand. As soon as the young man pleaded to his father the man turned around to see both Andrew and Haru stood the closest to them.

Haru still had the bullet in his hand but had put it into the centre of his palm and closed his fist so nobody else could see it. 

"Lord Leung. It was this young man here. I tried to stop him but he managed to get a sneak attack on me and I was knocked over the balcony." The old man that Haru had kicked out of the building said as he entered the room from the door behind.