Friendly Neigbours.

Chapter 174: Friendly Neigbours.

Haru turned on the TV and linked the security camera with it. The TV showed the image at the front gate and the four confused men. They probably didn't have to worry about being ignored by people giving their imposing appearances. But Haru knew well that appearances didn't correlate with strength so he ignored them anyway. 

"Why are you showing me this? What is this supposed to prove? You were on the phone for less than ten seconds and didn't even give them an address. How would the police know where you lived if you didn't give them any information?" She asked but mid-sentence her eyes locked with the TV as blue flashing lights pulled up outside the gate.

Three separate police cars drove up to the gate and blocked the car the trouble makers were driving so they couldn't escape before six police officers got out and threw them all against the hood of their cars before putting them in handcuffs.