Permission granted.

Chapter 176: Permission granted.

"Hello, Uncle Andrew?" Haru asked after taking the contact listed as "Dad" from Yun's phone and calling it with his own phone. A few seconds went by before there was an answer. 

"Haru… Is Yun with you?" He asked right away knowing that there was no way Haru would call him if it wasn't related to one of his daughters.

"Yeah... Uh, she told me to call you and ask for your permission to let her stay over at my place." Haru said sounding confused. He wasn't sure how his uncle would react since he seemed to be protective of his kids so Haru braced himself to hear a thousand different reasons why that would be a bad idea but all he heard was a single sigh.

"Sure, why not. If anything happens to her I won't have to look too far to kick someone's ass." Andrew said with a defeated expression to his voice like something sad had happened recently and he was recovering.