Take care.

Chapter 220: Take care.

"You're not people from the association, are you!? Who are you!?" The woman that Lao had captured began to shout in response to watching her colleague burned to ashes right before her eyes. She had thought that Lao and Haru might have been high ranking members that is why she hadn't seen them before but after watching Haru kill a teacher she quickly realised that it wasn't the case.

"The only reason I allowed Meiling to come here in the first place is that I was promised that she would be looked after and kept safe.

Maybe I will have to take this up with Lian too." Haru said to himself before turning back to Lao and the woman who was trapped within his Qi. 

"You were the one who allowed Meiling to come here? But she has no family members left…" The woman replied to Haru thinking out loud.