This is going to be fun.

Chapter 284: This is going to be fun.

"You are the one responsible for my mother being healed. I am thanking you for teaching my sister." Peter said with his head still bowed before Haru grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him upright. He didn't feel comfortable accepting a bow for something like that. 

It wasn't a big deal for him at the time, and it was even less of a big deal to him now. It was all in the past now, and he was determined to move forward one step at a time.

"It's fine. There's no need to thank me." Haru said with a sigh before looking up at a long road in front of them as they stood on the bridge. 

"So your school is at the end of this road?" Haru asked and then carried on walking. It took a few moments for Peter to come back to his senses, but as soon as he saw Haru continuing to walk, he immediately ran to catch up to him.