Would that make you happy?

Chapter 286: Would that make you happy?

Haru worked with Luke for days on end without any retaliation from either the children, the school or the police. It seemed like they had forgotten all about what had happened until one morning Haru awoke to a knock on the door. 

He put on his clothes and then headed downstairs to answer it, but just as he got to the door, Krista walked out from the living room and opened it. Haru walked down the stairs to see three police officers standing at the door. 

"Hello, is this the home of Haru Kitagawa? We have a few questions that we would like to ask him." A female police officer said to Krista as she answered, but as she looked past Krista, she saw Haru walking down the stairs and looked up to see him looking back at her.

"Are you Haru?" She asked as she spotted him. 

"Don't say anything." Krista turned her head and instructed Haru as he reached the last step.