Sparring match.

Chapter 293: Sparring match.

  Kaira felt confused. There was no possible way for anyone to know that she was pregnant since she hadn't even gone to the hospital yet. But Haru somehow knew. She looked at him for a few seconds to see that his gaze had drifted to the stage where her husband was fighting. 

Haru was smiling while looking up at them both fighting when suddenly Kazuo dodged an attack from the Siberian man and then launched an ice spell. 

[Glacier Spear] 

Kazuo raised his hand in the air after avoiding a fire attack and gathered mana in his hand. Suddenly a ball of blue light shot from his arm, forming a spear made out of ice as it travelled through the air before coming to a quick stop as it slammed into the man's chest. 

Blood splattered across the ring as the man dropped to his knees. He wasn't dead, just heavily injured, but before he could do anything else. Kazuo raised his hand back out towards the man.