No! Who are they!?

Chapter 315: No! Who are they!?

A shockwave shook the earth around Shenzhen as the flash of white light dispersed in the clouds up above, and the plane was now nowhere to be seen. Haru turned his head to see the three ships that were stationed in the sea had their guns pointed in their direction.

'That's a relief. I didn't even realise that was coming until it was already too late. I guess the guys back on the ships already discovered it with their radar systems.' Haru thought as he wondered how useful it would be to have a skill that acted as a radar. 

"What happened just now!? Was that the magic railgun on the ships? I have never even seen them fire before. I didn't think that it would be so devastating." Jake exclaimed in shock at what she had just witnessed as the rest of the soldiers sighed in relief.

They had just thought that their lives were going to end for sure, so they all felt incredibly grateful to make it out of such a situation alive.