
Note: *" Text like this."* means that Haru doesn't understand what they are saying.


Chapter 374: Trespassers. 

Marco ran away into the distance with so much speed that it was more like he had just vanished into thin air as the white cat appeared slightly in the distance.

"Thorin Gak Tonsa mo." The white cat said in a strange language before bringing a paw up to their head as they walked closer to Haru and Hong Xia who had stayed behind as Marco ran away.

Although the white cat had originally thrown their claws towards Marco it seemed like their only goal was to injure him and not either of the humans that had made it deep into the forest.

The white cat hesitantly walked towards Haru and Hong Xia as they awaited its next move. They didn't know if the cat was a friend or foe but Marco's warning seemed to be more of a personal warning than one that the other two should have been concerned with.