Lyca Menendez and the Tale of the Missing Hard Drive

Lyca Menendez was just eight years old when she remembered that night.

"Lyca, honey, let's go."

Her mother was holding the wrapped gift she bought. They were still inside a big mall.

"Dad's waiting in the car."

Lyca was gushing over one of the pretty dresses at the store.

"Mom, is it possible that Dad can buy me this wonderful dress for my birthday?"

It was a bright yellow dress with a large ribbon at the back.

"Wow, that surely will look good on you, Lyca. "

"Think so?"

"Yes, little lady. Come on, we are late for the party. I promise we will come back here next week so you can try that one."

"Okay, Mom."

At the mall parking lot, Lyca's Dad was talking to someone on his phone and Lyca could immediately sense something was wrong.

"Is Dad okay?" Lyca asked her mom.

"Get in the car, Lyca." Which she did quietly going in the back seat.

Her mother was just about to place the gift inside the car when her father shouted, "Get in the car, quick!"

"Robert, what's going on?" her mother climbed as fast as she could inside the front seat still holding the wrapped gift for the party. Robert quickly grabbed the gift and threw them out of the car.

"Wait, that's for the party!" Lana touched her forehead in disbelief.

"We have to run, Lana. There's no time."

Robert was in an extreme hurry as they exited the ramp out of the parking lot mall.

"What's wrong? Mom?" Lyca asked in confusion. "Why are we so fast? It scares me."

"Put your seatbelt on. honey, " her Mom replied.

"What's happening, Robert? Can you please explain! Who are we running from?"

"Lana, didn't I say that I will change for you and Lyca. That I will not go back to the past."

"Yes, I heard you. And you promised!"

Robert tapped the wheel in frustration.

"Sorry, I lied."

Lana looked at her husband. It was not the first. She can count the many times he lied about his past life.

"What have you done, Robert? What have you done!"

Lyca was visibly confused. It was the first time she saw her parents quarrel in front of her.

"It's a long story, Lana. This is the biggest mistake I made. I promise I will resolve this. But in the meantime, I have to take you somewhere safe."

"But you already put us all in grave danger!"

Robert cried in desperation. It was the first time Lyca saw his father cry. She realized early on how weak he was while her mother was so strong.

Traffic blocked them at the intersection of a busy highway.

"Oh please, not my family." he cried.

"Lyca, ducked in there, honey. Hide." Her Mom ordered.

Lyca was already crying. "Mom, are people gonna hurt us?"

"Just follow honey. Please." Her Mom pleaded. Lyca removed her seatbelt and crawled in the far corner of the car.

Moments later a group of motorcycle riding in tandem came out of nowhere. They blocked the vehicle and unload their high powered ammunition.

"Lyca, hide!" her Mom shouted in fear.

Lyca heard multiple shots inside the van and one that shattered her left index finger. A few seconds later, the gunman casually took off after they ensured they killed Robert and Lana. When it was over, Lyca was in shock as she stared blankly at the police that interviewed her. Her hands wrapped in a blood-soaked handkerchief. She wanted to talk and cry for a moment. But the words to describe the incident had completely escaped her.

Gerald-the restaurant manager flicked his finger. Lyca flipped back to her usual self after she remembered her past. She examined her hand closely. She got herself an artificial index finger. The one that cannot move but is there to complete it.

"Are you okay, Lyca?" Gerald asked.

"Yes, sorry I drifted off. Please continue." Lyca adjusted herself on her seat.

"Alfred was saying the hard drive for the CCTV for the last two weeks is missing."

"Who could have taken it?" Lyca asked.

"Not me," Alfred replied.

"This room got no CCTV?" Lyca asked the restaurant manager.

"No," he replied

"And people can come to your office?"

"Yes. But it is impossible to lose something without me knowing it! I am the only one with the key to this room. Not unless someone can make a copy of the key."

The manager tried thinking deeply. He was pretty sure he never allowed anyone in his room unless it was important.

Lyca received another call from Jorge.

"What's happening? Update me."

Lyca went out of the room to answer the call.

"The CCTV hard disc is gone. The manager thinks it was stolen."

"Damn. Is there any backup?"

"No, they have no backup"

"Ask the restaurant staff? They might recall the day Henry De La Vega visited the restaurant."

" I have written down all the names of the staff. I will talk to each one of them."

"Ok. Anything out of the ordinary please update me."

"Ok, sir."

Lyca went back to the manager to ask some more questions.

"During the 13th, who is the staff on duty that day?"

Gerald checked his notebook.

"Ingrid. The Chinese cook, Liu, and the security guard outside, Mr. Ban"

"Is Ingrid here?" Lyca asked.

"Alfred, can you call Ingrid?"

Alfred went out of the manager's room. In the restaurant, Ingrid was cleaning a customer table when Alfred called her out.

"Boss wants you in his room."

"Okay, be there in a minute."

She changed the table cloth and replaced the condiments and flower vase on top.

Ingrid was a bubbly waitress staff and her charm coupled with her vibrant smile was her greatest strength with her customers. She was just easy to like. She did exactly that when she entered the manager's room.

"How can I be of help to anyone?" she asked.

"Ingrid, this is police officer Lyca Menendez."

"Hello, madam officer."

"Just call me Lyca. Consider me equal."

"Hmmm….but I want a different gun for me," then Ingrid burst out a big laugh.

"Is there a room where we can talk privately?"

Ingrid was quick-witted. "The utility area has a cozy space we can chat. Alfred, can you sub for the customer? Just heard the doorbell rang."

Alfred was quick to follow Ingrid's order.

Inside the utility area, Lyca examined Ingrid from head to toe.

"You work here how many years?"

"Ten years If I am right."

"Tips pay extra to compensate for the low salary, right?"

"Yes, we have loyal customers here."

"I noticed you are wearing a Rolex type watch on your hand?"

"Is it?"

Lyca holds Ingrid's hand.

"Let me see it. Oh, it is the 2010 Limited edition."

"A suitor gave this to me."

"That suitor must be filthy rich."

"I don't know really. Uh...we just met."

"I checked your salary and your employer is not giving you the basic minimum pay. So, in my calculation, it would take you more than 40 years of basic salary pay as a waitress to earn the amount to pay for your watch."

Lyca continued her question.

"And if I am a suitor falling for you…. the first thing I will give you, Ingrid... is a ring."

Ingrid examined her hand. There was no ring on it.

Ingrid fell silent. She was now irritated by the incessant questioning.

"C'mon, do you think I stole this watch?"

"No, I didn't say that. But you are not telling me the truth, either."

Ingrid was collared in a corner. She can barely speak.

Lyca acted like she was a family to her.

"Just be honest with me, Ingrid. No lies. Tell... the…. Truth. Think about the family you have, your parents, brother, and sisters. You can't simply take away the truth from them. Or from the authorities."

Ingrid understood the consequence of her action. And lying about it can only make things uglier.

"Okay, I will tell you everything. "

Lyca was on edge. Ingrid was calculating her words. It should be exact.

"It is a payment," she gushed.

"For the missing hard drive?"

Ingrid looked at her. And nodded her head.

"Yes, for the hard drive."