From The Dark Web

8 am. Inside a Coffee Shop in a Nameless Street

"Mike, it's there." Bobby handed the manila folder. The coffee in front of him had grown cold and he gulped it in one sip. He put back the cup on the plate and all of a sudden spit what seems like a dead cockroach out of his mouth. What kind of coffee do they serve here? He widened his eyes trying to focus on the bug in front of him. It wiggled all of a sudden and ran away just as he was about to slam it with his fist.

"F_ckin roach!" He exclaimed.

"The coffee is on me," Mike scoffed. "There's more from where it came from," he gushed.

"That coffee is dirty as f_ck. I don't want it." Bobby cleaned his mouth with soft tissue.

He could see how Mike sipped on his cup as the tiny cockroaches ran from the cup's edge. He cringe.

"Ahh... best coffee ever in this part of town!" Mike beamed with a smile.

What the f_ck is happening? Is he hallucinating?