Closing In

Inside the woman's car, Ben listened to his watch, curious as to what it said to him. Tim just sat by his own staring blankly at the scenery outside. He could feel how close he is in his journey with Ben.

"Where exactly are we now? Aren't we going to see our father?" Tim asked mindlessly, unable to control much of his reflexes. They have been driving for quite a while and the beautiful woman tapped Tim's face. She could see he was a bit pale and unresponsive to stimuli. Ben on the other hand had his watch on his left ear trying to listen to the otherworldly sound. Then the watch suddenly spoke to him.

"Ben, do you hear me?"

"Who are you?" Ben asked. His eyes focused on the circling color on his watch.

"I have many names. But for now I am your angel. The woman beside you…"

Ben and Tim looked at the woman driving the car. It was as if the two heard the same instruction.

"She will be your guide."