The Secret Training

The force of the explosion inside the cave forced Miles and Lyca to hold on to the dried vines on the cave side. The rope was gone. From its looks, they have to be an expert hand climber to exit out of the cave. When the smoke from the inside dissipated, they sat down near the mouth of the cave.

"What are we going to do now?" Lyca asked. Miles removed the dirt on his pants.

"Wait for further instruction. I am sure whatever it is that we injected in us would help us find the way."

Lyca checked her bag and tried to use her cell phone, but there was no signal. She stood up and tried to stretch her arms as far as she could. She almost slipped on the slippery slope, so she adjusted her shoe.

But nothing happened—just an empty bar on the signal meter. 

"Darn it!" 

When she was about to approach Miles, she noticed something odd. A green glow shines in the black of his eye.

"Miles?" Lyca called.