The Rave Bar

A loud dance music greeted Miles and Lyca as they entered inside the Rave Bar. The place was smoky with blinding multi colored lights that flashes from the walls and ceiling. The dance floor was filled to the rafters by people of all colors with unusual attire--many with dresses that glow with neon lights-- facial piercings, arms and neck tattoos. There were three half naked ladies dancing in three cages hanging from the ceiling. A half naked man wearing glittery tight shorts is doing high flying acrobatics in the air and at times spit fire bombs in the air. The scene borders on the surreal and the spectacular.

"Cool huh," Miles buzzed.

"Crazy but cool," Lyca responded.

Miles and Lyca made their way at the front of the counter. 

"Two beers please," Miles ordered. The young bartender came back with 2 bottles on hand. 

"That's 10 gold coins." The bartender raised a short transparent paddle and it sucked the 10 gold coins from Miles pocket.