An Invitation to Riva's Residence

Primo and Susana faced a blank wall after seeing The Dynastic History of Palindrome and its Inhabitant Volume One, and finding the Dee family lived in Broadhurst. Primo crossed the names of Felipa and Emilio Dee and placed a check mark on Martha.

They heard a knock on the door-it was Jean. She stood straight in the door with hands clasped and gave everyone a smile. "Mr. and Mrs. Riva is here, Elizabeth. They want to secure a copy of the birth certificate. "

Elizabeth replied, "I am coming, Jean." 

"Okay, I will tell them to wait a little." Jean returned to her post and talked to the Riva's.

Elizabeth's mood suddenly changed. " Ah, the couple just adopted a child and they want the name changed this quick."

Primo's eye blinked. "Really?" He asked.

"That couple wasn't lucky having their own so after a long long time decided to adopt a baby left on their porch."

Susana and Primo looked at each other. "How old is the baby now?" Primo asked.