The Viewing Cubicle

The library is a big room on the third floor and it housed all types of reference books and also journals. There were three cubicles that were divided into three: one is for private reading of reference materials; the second, music listening of vinyl recordings and the third one is for viewing microfilms. Primo entered the third cubicle and inside was the viewing window and underneath the viewing area is a slot where the microfilm is inserted.

"Okay, let's read the guide here on the side," Primo read the instruction thoroughly. There is only one seat available inside so Susana just stood on the side waiting for Primo's cue.

Primo scanned the pages of old newspapers but there was nothing he could find that interests him.

"There's nothing here. Just political news and badly written features of old celebrities that were all dead now."

"So what are we looking for exactly Primo?"