Henry's Story

Henry could remember it all.

Henry woke up one morning with a smile on his lips. His first day back in his ancestral house in Palindrome Drive after going home from the war was the vacation he always wanted. He still had healing wounds on his leg, giving him a bit of discomfort after getting hit by a bullet. It was the reason he was brought out of the front and shipped together with other wounded soldiers back to base. Somehow, the bullet that hit him also save him from an unforeseen death. Because a week later, the entire platoon he belonged was wiped out by a lethal chemical gas after advancing in enemy territory.

Henry opened his eyes and saw Marian Meneses looking at him while she sat by his side. 

"Hey," Henry called. "How long have you been watching me?"

Marian smiled. She flipped her long flowing auburn hair with her hand on one side. "I have completely forgotten how silent you slept on the bed. "