The T-File

Before I declare this book complete, it would simply be rude of me if I don't get to do the one thing I should have done before starting this story: a profile of the original characters, The Toxins.

So, I decided to make the T-File (The Toxins' File) and try to bring you up to speed with the characters' fun facts and many other things.

So, let's start with our first character:

Samantha Glasson


Names: Samantha Glasson

Date of birth: 4th September, 1995

Town of origin: Los Angeles, Carlifornia, USA

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Position in the group: Leader, songwriter, lead singer, vocalist and dancer

Favourite colours: Purple, blue and black

A.K.A: Black Kitty (B.K)

Favourite junk food: Burgers and chips

Favourite dessert: Chocolate mousse

Blood type: AB


♡Smart, sarcastic and being funny are her greatest traits.

♡She's very quiet when she needs to be and shy too.

♡Loves being imaginative. That's why she's always caught in her own world at times.

♡Always relies on her intuitions that never let her down 80% of the time.

♡Adapts to any environment pretty quickly.

♡Loves to read though she is mostly focused on writing (especially her lyrics).

♡Her secret talent is that she can't only sing but rap too (not many people know, only those who are close to her).

♡Not only does she like pop music, she is also a big fan of alternative, country, RnB and oldies too.

♡She's a good cook.

♡Not a big fan of social media and only online when she wants to be.

♡Always neat, organised and punctual, her many good qualities of being a leader.

♡Her brothers are what matters most in the world.

♡Plays any type of game when she wants to have fun.

♡Always comes up with good ideas.

♡Loves poetry. That's where her love for writing lyrics come from.

♡Was a top student during her school years.

♡Not really a fan of playing ball games like soccer (football), basketball, baseball, netball or volleyball. Just loves being a spectator.

♡Loves to dance a lot, though she is second best from Mike in the group.

♡Not a fan of heels but she really rocks in them when she wears them.

♡Very loving and caring of her group members, almost like a mother.

♡Doesn't keep a grudge for long but she's dangerous when she's really upset.

♡Likes to be alone because that is when she gets more creative and thinks better.

♡Loves helping others, especially Zoey.

♡Loves to play the guitar.

♡The "Black Kitty Clothesline" came to be because of her hard work at the music agency.

♡Good at bowling.

♡Loves flowers and chocolates.

♡A fast runner (used to be in the school athletics).

♡Loves to produce music.

Zoey Cardell


Full names: Zoey Daisy Cardell

Date of birth: 20th October, 1995

Town of origin: Los Angeles, Carlifornia, USA

Zodiac sign: Libra

Position in the group: Singer, dancer and rapper

Favourite colours: Pink and white

A.K.A: The Drama Queen

Favourite junk food: Fish sticks

Favourite dessert: Muffins

Blood type: A


★The most talkative in the group.

★Has a high sense of fashion.

★Loves when paid attention to, especially from her fans.

★Complains a lot.

★Is a big fan of Sia and loves to dance to most of her songs.

★Was never a fan of school during her school yeas.

★Not a good cook. Hates cooking, actually.

★Sometimes termed as the most annoying person in the group.

★Always hard to handle.

★Easily loses her temper.

★Is really stubborn and doesn't like to take "no" for an answer. She's also persistent when she wants to be.

★Comes up with really good ideas when you least expect it.

★Loves to exaggerate things. No wonder she is considered to be melodramatic.

★Not a fan of video or arcade games. Only arcade game she likes is Pac Man.

★Been friends with Sam since kindergarten.

★Her and Mike have been like cat and dog for a really long time (they argue and tease each other a lot).

★Likes to rap though Mike is the lead rapper in the group.

★Can't do things without Sam most of the time.

★Doesn't like to be called Daisy because not many people know her middle name.

★Loves guys with their own particular kind of swag.

★Since she is the only child in her family, she has always considered Sam like a sister and the other Toxins her siblings.

★Really loves board games and usually no one likes to play without her.

★Can also play the guitar.

★Was once a ballerina when she was young.

★She cares about others though she doesn't really show it.

★Likes being lazy when she wants to be.

★Loves shopping.

★Totally sucks at lying.

★Not really a fan of any sport.

★Her secret talent is that she can juggle.

Christine Stuart


Full names: Christine Stuart

Date of birth: 7th August, 1996

Town of origin: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

Zodiac sign: Leo

Position in the group: Singer, vocalist and dancer

Favourite colours: Green and yellow

A.K.A: Doesn't really have one

Favourite junk food: French fries

Favourite dessert: Doughnuts

Blood type: O


♣Has lived with the Glasson family for a long time.

♣Has always considered Sam as her inspiration and older sister.

♣Loves Mike and Daniel like her own brothers since she is the only child her family.

♣Loves to play video, arcade and board games.

♣Also loves to cook.

♣Usually quiet and shy like Sam.

♣Doesn't usually get upset though the person who does get on her nerves quiet easily is Zoey.

♣Loves to skate, especially on ice.

♣Can play the bass guitar.

♣A fan of drama series and loves to watch them with Sam, Zoey and Lee.

♣Just like every girl, likes chocolates and flowers.

♣A fan of pop and country music.

♣Loves Adam Levine (a huge fan, actually).

♣Loves going shopping with Zoey.

♣A huge fan of Taylor Swift.

♣Used to play volleyball in high school.

♣Christine's secret talent is knitting. She loved knitting ever since she learnt it from Sam's mother.

♣Once had a dog called Spooky when she was very young because the dog spooked people without anyone realising that it was there.

♣Loves to play pool.

♣ Also neat and organised.

♣Though people don't know this, she was a big Pokemon fan when she was a kid.

♣A fan of horror movies.

♣Can speak Spanish fluently.

Mike Glasson


Full names: Mike Glasson

Date of birth: 15th February, 1999

Town of origin: Los Angeles, Carlifornia, USA

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Position in the group: Lead rapper, lead dancer and singer

Favourite colours: Blue and grey

A.K.A: The Dance machine

Favourite junk food: Pizza

Favourite dessert: Chocolate cake

Blood type: AB


○Called the dance machine for his mad dancing skills.

○Loves to play video games especially alongside his younger brother, Daniel.

○Helps Sam with writing lyrics sometimes.

○Considers Daniel his best friend.

○Has a crush on Jennie from BlackPink.

○Sarcastic when he wants to be, especially with Zoey.

○Cracks better jokes than anyone in the group.

○ Can play soccer and basketball.

○Loves watching any other kind of sport.

○Loves to play the drums.

○Considered as the cool one in the group.

○Loves to rap freestyle.

○Considers J-Cole his favourite rapper and his inspiration.

○He is such a good dancer that he comes up with dance moves for The Toxins alongside their choreographer, Jimmy.

○Loves to play tricks on people.

○When it comes to fashion, he loves to dress up cool.

○He's intelligent just like his sister.

○Loves to produce music with his sister.

○He is number one in the family when it comes to video games.

○Mike's secret talent is that he is good at archery.

○Always set the worst yet funny conditions on those who lose in a bet with him.

Daniel Glasson


Names: Daniel Glasson

Date of birth: 8th June, 2002

Town of origin: Los Angeles, California, USA

Zodiac sign: Gemini

Position in the group: Singer and dancer

Favourite colours: Green and blue

A.K.A: Baby Boy

Favourite junk food: Nachos with extra cheese

Favourite dessert: Cupcakes

Blood type: AB


◆Can play both the electric and classic piano

◆Learnt how to play the piano when he was only six years old.

◆Plays video games with his brother, Mike.

◆Loves his sister, Sam very much.

◆Considers Mike his best friend.

◆A big fan of cupcakes. He can eat twice as much as anyone can.

◆Usually the one who loves junk food more than anyone else in the group.

◆Can play football.

◆Thinks if The Toxins weren't a pop dance group, they would be a band instead, considering that they each can play an instrument.

◆He would have been a doctor if he wanted to after high school because he got a scholarship, but he ended up joining The Toxins instead.

◆His secret talent is that he can also cook (really well actually). He prefers the girls to handle all that instead.

◆His mum calls him Honey Bear.

◆A big fan of trap music.

◆A good swimmer. Was in the high school swimming team.

◆Whenever anyone needs help, he is always there to lend a hand.

◆Referred to as the Baby Boy because he is the youngest in the group. He hates that name so people don't call him that so often.

◆Always good at card games.

◆Can play pool but can't outplay Christine who is very good.

◆Always afraid when something bad happens to anyone he cares about.