We all stumbled out if class slowly, there are lines of tape on the floor for us to feel our way out easily. I meet Jackson on our usual spot, next to the big tree. It's a round bench around the base of the trunk.
He found a flat spot for his chair the first day he arrived so he just went with it. 'How was the assignment?'
'Same old, not much has changed.'
Lunch breaks were hard without sight at the beginning. It's hard to do the whole eating thing without being to see what it is or be able to idealize the method of attack without a visualization. I lived of processed foods and snacks for a while but I got the hang of it as I went on.
We kept talking. We always somehow talk about everything and nothing at the sane time. I don't know how our conversations last as long as they do... the topics kind of flow from one thing to the next. Some how we end up on this topic...
" You've never been to my house..." Jac says.
I think through all the years of our friendship. I realize it suddenly.
"I haven't, why not?"
"Well, we've never really hung out other than at school. You wanna come over sometime?"
I hesitate, I would have to learn to take in a whole new environment. I know I would have to be careful and make sure it's ok.
"I will have to talk it over with my parents but also, I really want to. I've never met your family or heard much about them. It sounds amazing!"
The bell rung loudly and we all started to gather our things to go back to or classes. It's hard being blind, but I got used to it after a while. I can't do everything by myself and I will have to deal with that. I quickly feel Jac handing me the lid of my lunchbox, he does it when he sees I have a lot on my mind.
"Thanks," I say with a smile. I scurry away as I follow the textures of the ground until I find myself back in the building where I need to be.
This part of the day we usually learn something, like normal school... not that I would know what it's like. I just assume it's similar. Today we're practicing our reading. Brail is hard to read, it takes a lot to know what every little bump's position means. We have these expensive books, written all in brail. They have to be ordered for every new kid at our blindness-facility. They have everything you need to learn at the beginning in one book and the second edition is a little more forward work for the students that have done all of that already.
Today we were reading a mythological short story, it was the story of Ra. He sails the ship of the sun across the sky every night, or at least that's what the myth says. I know that it's actually the rotation of the earth, but in ancient times they didn't, that why they made up these elaborate stories of gods and sky boats.
My mind loves wandering, since I can't see I have to think of many different things to keep me busy. I always loved stories and people who read to me. I never liked the voices of descriptive movies. They always sound weird so I low key ignore their existence.