Lunch Time

"Okay class, go to lunch. You have until the bell rings to come back. When you get back to class your going to take notes for the upcoming test in two weeks from now." A few groans were heard while most the students practically ran out of the room to go get some food. The five new students looked at each other confused as they were not familiar with the new school. Muriel looking around for someone to guide them in the right direction. Her eyes fell onto the two other girls in the class as they were talking to each other while stealing a glance at the new group. The two girls noticed Muriel was looking at them. They smiled as they gave a small wave. Muriel waved back as she saw the two girls walking their way.

"Hey, we were going to go out to eat to the small Panera Bread company on campus. Do you want to join us?" The raven known as Spider Gal asked in a cheerful tone.

Muriel looked back at her group to see if any of them opposed the idea. The only one who seemed that way was Jess as she was glaring at the two girls. "Jess, stop with the face." Muriel said while sending positive aura to her pale friend. The second the power hit Jess, her face changed from a look that could kill versus a welcoming, calm face.

"Whoa, what exactly do you do to control her like that?" The curly blonde asked also known as Enchantress.

"I'll explain at lunch. Don't worry." Muriel said with her smile deepening.


"Oh wow, that's a cool power. That's the powerful energy we felt before when you first showed up." Spider Gal said while playing with her salad, dreading she was on a diet.

"Yeah, I don't like confrontation so when I sense even the slightest, I send that aura to calm things down a bit." Muriel said.

"Oh that's a cool ability. I was wondering one thing? What does she do? Why did she not any emotion. No offense but you were fucking terrifying in out match. Hell you even scared Craig and he's not one for cracking easily." Enchantress asked while looking over at the pale red head.

Jess didn't say anything as she was latched onto Muriel's arm while glancing up at her for help. "Oh she is actually Shay's creation, she doesn't have feelings or emotions when she's away from me. That's why this happens every chance she gets." Muriel said while placing her hand on Jess's arm.

"Wait, is that why she was black and white for awhile and now she looks more human?" Enchantress asked while looking shocked.

"Pretty much. My positive energy is constantly coursing through my veins so she has grown attached to me, quite literally."

"Oh okay. Well what about you? I didn't get the chance to see what you could do." Enchantress said while looking at Shay.

Shay tensed as his face grew slightly hot as he was the main focus now. "Uhh I uhh have a have a notebook while several different detailed sketches of specific items. All I have to do is sign my name with an ink pen and the drawing appears in front of me. Nothing too crazy." He said while rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he was growing shy.

"Are you kidding, nothing too crazy? You created a girl!! How is that not crazy?!?!" Enchantress yelled out a little too loud.

"I honestly was not expecting Jess to actually come to life. That was more of a test than anything." He said while struggling to make any eye contact with the two girls.

"Well I think it's awesome. Do you think I can see your notebook? I myself have a have a book but I call it a grimware as it holds several different spells."

"Wait, really you want to see my drawings?" Shay asked while finally making eye contact with the blonde as his face grew more hot as he was flattered someone actually was interested in the thought.

"Yeah, do you have it with you now?" She asked while getting out her grimware.

Shay became slightly excited as he quickly grabbed his notebook and placed it on the table. Enchantress got up and moved over to sit with him.

"Wow, I guess Shay just made a friend." Molly said being caught off guard he actually spoke to a girl. 'It took him weeks just to talk to me. He couldn't even make eye contact with Muriel for the longest time. He seemed so flustered every time she said simply said his name.'

"So, what about you? That match was really awesome. You were actually the teacher. It was creepy but yet really cool. I honestly wasn't expecting you to actually be able to possess his powers. That was quite impressive." Spider Gal said while looking at Molly.

Molly smiled as she was flattered by her words. "Yeah, it took awhile to be able to control it better. I grew up in a place where I had to hide my abilities. There was actually a time where I absorbed a villain's power. I wasn't even aware of what was happening until he left in a hurry as I seemed to have scared him. Y/N here actually saved me from being experimented on as she absorbed the power herself and it seemed to have just disappeared. Y/N is the one who has the incredible ability if anyone." Molly said while looking over at her best friend who was eating a cookie.

Y/N glanced at Molly as her cheeks showed a faint pink tint.

"Sorry she doesn't talk much. She don't like big crowds." Molly said knowing Y/N would have the next series of questions.

"Oh well you pretty much explain what she could do. I won't hound her down with question. But one thing I wanted to ask. You all seem really close. Have you all known each other for long?" Spider Gal asked while looking at each new student.

"Actually I think we are running on 3 months now for me and Y/N. Uhh I think Happy and The Creator known each other for a couple years now. However, it didn't take but a few hours for Jess to grow attached to Muriel. Hell I don't even think Muriel and Shay have had ANY alone time." Molly teased while looking over at the two with a smug grin. Muriel began blushing while Shay was distracted as he was still showing Enchantress his drawings.

"Oh I see, well in that case. I hope you all feel welcome to the Academy. Since you accidentally slipped your names out. My real name is Wendy as she is my best friend from fourth grade, her name is Bebe. We actually know all the other students from fourth grade. A lot of drama, chaos, and other stupid stuff happened down the road but here we are and we couldn't be happier." She said while smiling.

"Wow, I guess your really close to all of them then?" Muriel asked.

"Yeah, more than others."

"I know this is out there but are you two dating anyone?" Molly bluntly asked.

Y/N facepalmed as she grew embarrassed by Molly's ballsy question.

Spider Gal giggled as she set her fork down. "Yes, believe it or not me and Toolshed are dating."

Molly froze as she looked at the raven in disbelief. "Wait, your telling me that one guy holding the tools, the same one that I shaped into was your boyfriend? And you ran off after him?!?! Oh my god is that why we won? YOU BRIBED HIM, DIDN'T YOU?!?!" She yelled out loud causing her best friend Y/N to hide her face from overwhelming embarrassment.

Spider Gal chuckled. "I don't kiss and tell." she simply said.

"TELL ME EVERYTHING!!" Molly demanded.

"Okay Molly that's enough out of you." Muriel said while placing her hand on her hyper friend's face sending a soothing, calm aura. Suddenly Molly felt her whole body melt like butter as she face planted into the table.

"Whoa, is she okay?" Spider Gal asked slightly scared.

"She's sleeping, don't worry about her." Muriel said while looking back at the one known as Wendy.

"Wow, you all are an interesting bunch." Wendy said while looking at each individual student. Shay and Bebe comparing books while looking like they were enjoying each other's company. Y/N poking her best friend's arm while seeing she was not moving even the slightest. Looking at the last two, she could see Muriel looking down at Jess whispering sweet nothing's in her ear. Wendy tensed as she noticed Jess was glaring daggers at her until suddenly she began to smile like nothing had happened. These five are very interesting indeed. 'Maybe we should get to know them better and invite them to the bonfire tonight.'