Mr. Jack jumps around the room in circular motion. Laughing and singing as if his 80 years old body is like a young child one's- running freely in the country side.
"When I say yes, I mean no
When I say no, I mean yes
We can't be together if I say yes
Nor apart if I say no
Time flies and I beg
Rebecca, please don't be dead."
"Look at that lunatic", Becky exhales. "I've been 3 days here and I think I'm starting to lose my fucking mind."
"Shh!" Sunny jumped from her chair with a sandwich in her hand. "You mustn't talk like that, if anyone hears you they'll fire you."
"Well this is new, we aren't allowed to even talk here now huh?" Becky smashed her cigarette out of the ashtray.
"No Becky, it is just you're not allowed to speak things out of that nature, it even says in the contract."
Becky rolled her eyes and noticed that Mr. Jack had left his room and now he was jumping up and down in the corridor. What Becky's mind was troubled right now was from the fact that this old man had more energy than her 30 years old depleted body. Gosh she was jealous of a lunatic.
"When I say yes, I mean NO!"
"WHEN I SAY NO, I MEAN yes..."
"Hey Jackie, old sport, come over here! Come and join us!"
"What are you doing?!" Sunny jumped again from her chair now with a chocolate bar in her hand. "Our patients aren't allowed in the nurse's room!"
"Calm down Sunny side, its 1 am who the hell will come here?! Besides only the two of us are on this night shift, and also Poppy who God knows where he is, sleeping somewhere in these lunatics' rooms."
"Don't mention him." Sunny shivered, "his been sleeping with three of the women, I at least try to help these poor people."
"You are telling me not to speak ill, while look what he is doing and no one does anything about it." Becky raised her left eyebrow.
Mr. Jack hopped like a little bunny towards Becky and gave a big empty smile- with no teeth that is; Looked at Beck and continued jumping towards the nearest chair to the table were all of Sunny goods were laid out as if they were for sale.
"Don't touch those!" Sunny gathered and poured down all her goods into her lap. "And be quiet! The others are sleeping!"
"Well Jackie boy..." Becky looked at Sunny with contempt. "Tell me, what's your story?"
"NO! STORY, STORY TIME! I love story time!"
"Yes, Jackie you do. Tell me now a little about yourself."
"ME? You mean about me?"
"Yes Jack, I mean you." Becky screeched with her teeth already frustrated.
"I, I..." Jack looked at the flickering lighting on the ceiling, as if it had consumed his entire state of being. Becky already rolled her eyes ten times like a Ferris wheel and waited for him to get out of this trance.
"I love my momma!" Jack yelled out of a sudden.
"Where is your momma Jack?" Becky asked curiously.
"Kill, kill, KILL!" Jack started shaking with no control. "Yes means NO!"
"Okay this is enough." Sunny taking a sip from her Beetlejuice cup jumped from her chair ready to kick out old Jack. But, Jack's vital body jumped and hid behind Becky who throw such a scary look at Sunny that made her retrieve back to her chair.
"Where did you live Jack?" Becky continued.
Out of nowhere Jack sat back and that care-free face was gone. A serious expression occupied his complexion and those deep ocean blue eyes of his faded away. If you had never seen him before, you would think this person was the most serious and grounded person by the way he was holding his body now. He crossed his legs and took a deep breath.
"I lived in Blaytennet, for the first 16 years and yes, the last 24 years. I lived with my momma. Good in heart, evil in mind. YES! That wasn't my mother. NO! She was full of good. But, I cared more for God than for her, no..."
Becky and Sunny just looked at each other trying to decipher what he was talking about.
"What happened to your momma?" asked Becky getting ready to throw him out of the room because he wasn't the amusement she expected.
"Mother, I kill no! Mother die alone. I told God, rest her soul but she evil woman be!
"When I go outside she hit my head hard, saying: When I buy stuff in the store and when the good lady watches us and when I say yes to something I mean NO! Poor Jack had it all wrong. Next time momma told it better to me." Jack stood up and folded his sleeve revealing a faded weird long scar.
Becky squeezed her tired eyes and she read:
"Yes means no..."
Her blood froze at that moment and so did Sunny's. They both took a step back and looked at their feet feeling ashamed. Jack started jumping all around the room and went in the corridor singing:
"When I say yes, I mean no
When I say no, I mean yes
We can't be together if I say yes
Nor apart if I say no
Time flies and I beg
Rebecca, please don't be dead."
Bourbon Mental Hospital, Minnesota