She fell down from her bed. The pain from falling hadn't even registered in her mind as she tried to shut the blasting sound in her ears. Her head felt like splitting. The more she covered her ears the more the sound appeared to get louder. She stopped balling herself and removed her hands from her ears to try and stand up.

But as she turned to look at her shaking hands, she saw that they came back bloodied. Desperate for help, she started to stand up only to fall back down on the floor. She gave up on her feet. She couldn't seem to command them as they currently felt like jelly. So, she settled into crawling towards her bedroom door.

When she reached the door, she used the wall to stand-up, leaving a trail of bloody handprints on her pastel wallpaper. She shakily wrapped a hand in the doorknob and pushed the door open. She stumbled through the hallway, leaning on the wall to make sure she doesn't fall.

Her surrounding started spinning so she kept blinking her eyes to try and bring them back in focus. The hallway was transforming into a swirly maze. She dragged her feet—trying to find the exit of the unfamiliar place.

And suddenly, she was falling.

The maze vanished as she rolled down the stairs and landed on her back. The strength to stand up left her body as she stared at the white ceiling. She raised her shaking right hand to cover the light from the bulb that seemed to be getting brighter.

The sound in her ears became louder and she rolled over and vomited. Her sight turned white, then, red, and then . . . black.