"That's all for today," Jessa said with a clap of her hands to signal the end of Jet's daily training.

Jet stood up from the mat and rolled his eyes at Jessa. Jessa was a beautiful woman. She has short, wavy blonde hair that almost reached her collars. Her eyes were a twinkling green and not to mention a body that can drive men crazy.

The only reason why Jet always skips his daily training aside from being too lazy was because of the very woman in front of him. There was something about her that he found to be very uncomfortable. He was still a man, so of course, she was eye candy. But he had no time for relationship and such; especially since Jessa was coming in too strong.

"So, Jet," she started in a singsongy voice as she stalked towards him like a model. She grabbed his arm and pulled it between her chests as she looked up at him. "Join me for lunch?"

Jet tried to pull his arm free but Jessa held him firmly. "Ahh—err,"

-"Hello? Please. Hear me. I'm begging you. Tonight, at the corner of Leo and Virgo street."-

Jet's eyes widened as he heard the voice. He pulled his arm away from Jessa a little too strong that she stumbled a few steps. "I got to go. Thanks for the offer though!"

Jet quickly ran out of the training room. He sidestepped the people in the hallway and he almost crashed into a man holding a pile of folders but thankfully, he slips down the floor and through the legs of the man. Though despite that he hadn't bumped into him, the man still shouted profanities at him. Jet jumped to his feet and looked over his shoulder to stick his tongue out at him.

Just as he turned around the corner, Jet bumped into someone and he fell on his back. He sighed and blinked his eyes a couple of times to calm his spinning sight and he saw Alec standing on top of him. He had a smirk in his lips and his eyes were laughing at him.

"I thought those training were supposed to make you stronger, Jet?" Alec greeted; his voice laughing.

Jet rolled his eyes. Then, he quickly remembered why he was running around frantically. He jumped to his feet and turned to Alec. "Tonight at Leo and Virgo,"

Alec's eyes widened for a second before he caught himself and nodded. "We'll check it out after work,"


The voice had proven correct. Alec had no idea how but somehow, someone was warning Jet about monster appearances. Thrice they went to where it had said and thrice arrived just before someone transformed. Clinton noticed how the two of them were always 'coincidentally' in the area during those attacks and called for them in his office.

"Come now," he pressed. "If there's a secret to this tell me. It will greatly help our cause,"

Alec shook his head firmly. "We really were just there by chance, sir,"

Jet leaned back on the couch as he rolled his eyes and Clinton sighed as he stared at the two of them. Alec had decided not to tell anyone else about Jet's voice in his head. After all, they still had no idea who it was. Or if it was safe to share that information with someone else. He has trust in his boss but he was still part of the Agency. He would certainly report Jet's circumstances to the higher-ups and they would force his younger partner to be a part of an experiment the said person would surely hate.

Jet stared at the ceiling, feeling bored of Clinton's nonstop chatter about telling him where they were getting the information. He was drifting off when the voice spoke once more.

"Hello? Hello? I'm not sure if anyone is hearing me. But please. Please. Tonight, at the abandoned Avenue building—Stay away."

Jet's eyes flew open and he suddenly bolted up from his seat in shock. The two men with him looked up in surprise and he quickly changed his expression.

"Sorry! It's gonna blow!" he told them before he hurriedly ran out of the room and towards the direction of the bathroom.

Clinton stared at Alec and the latter gave a sheepish smile about his young charge's sudden outburst. "Sorry about that,"

Clinton gave a small laugh as he dismissed Alec as well. He walked out of the office, closing the door Jet left open and followed suit. He saw Jet's expression earlier; he could more or less guess the voice had said something once more.

He found Jet standing in front of the mirror. His palms gripping the side of the sink, his face and bangs dripping with water, and his eyes were serious. He stepped inside the restroom and looked around to make sure they were alone.

He patted Jet on the shoulder and asked him what he heard.

Jet sighed as he pushed himself away from the sink and turn around to lean on it instead. "The abandoned Avenue building tonight,"

Alec nodded. "We'll check it out then,"

"No!" Jet rejected firmly and shocked Alec.

"What's the matter? What did it say?" he asked worriedly.

Jet shook his head. "It said to stay away. You don't hear it Alec, the voice it was always afraid but this time—it's horrified. And as if it was me, there's this fear that suddenly gripped me. That place is definitely bad news. Let's not,"

Alec stared at Jet's eyes. His confidence shining through, "considering that we're the only ones who know this we have to make sure everything will be alright,"


Jet stared at the wall clock above the door. The ticking seemed to be slower than usual or was it just because of the fear he was feeling? Nervous, he drummed his fingers on his table as he tapped his foot in the same rhythm. Every being of his fiber had no desire to go there. But if Alec were to go alone, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for getting him in danger.

Alec, on the other hand, was as calm as ever. He read around the agency files to see if anyone had ever experienced what Jet was experiencing. Was there a possibility that another person had created a bond with Jet? But if there was, what were the requirements to start that bond? And how could the other person send Jet messages even with his earphones on?

Once the clocked ticked to 7, Alec was up on his feet while Jet took his time to wear his worn-out jacket. The older man made sure to pick up his pills and tucked it safely in his jean's pocket.

"Let's go," Alec said and lead Jet out of the office.

He hailed a taxi. Jet gave the address and the driver gave them a look of shock. No one goes to the Avenue anymore; not after what happened there 3 years ago.

"I'm sorry, sir. But please, we have to get there. I'll pay you double,"

The man nodded and started the car. Jet leaned back on the backseat; his nervousness was getting to him. Alec noticed it and gave him another pat; telling him that if anything felt off they would leave quickly. Once he had calmed down Jet, he looked out the window and noticed a few crows flying by. And something churned in his stomach. They were flying towards the Avenue. Alec shook his head.

He was the one that wanted to check it out. There was no use thinking about negative things.

The journey towards the Avenue only took an hour. Alec gave the driver twice the bill and as soon as they were out on the pavement, the taxi rushed out of the place. A murder of crows was circling the abandoned building as if some haunted house on a horror movie.

"I wouldn't blame that man for running, seriously," Jet muttered.

"Let's go in," Alec said.

"Do we have to? I mean—doesn't look like there's anyone inside," Jet answered as he eyed the crows above him. The place was giving him the chills. "I really think this is a bad idea, Alec. I mean—the voice did say to stay away. It's never been wrong. Shouldn't we call for back-up or something?"

Alec was already at the door. "We can't call anyone if nothing appears, Jet. You know the drill,"

"Who the hell created that rule anyway? If something already appeared before you call, it'll be too late in some instances," Jet answered darkly, remembering what happened to Eliza.

Alec patted him in the back as they entered the building. At first, the place looked empty. But as their eyes adjusted to the darkness, they could see shadows moving around. As they went deeper in, they realized that the place was full of homeless people. If a monster was to appear, it would be a massacre.

"Do you think we can evacuate?" Jet asked.

Alec shook his head. "Too dangerous, we have no idea who will turn. Until we are sure, we can't move anyone,"

"As long as it's not me, that's fine," Jet started and he received a scolding glance from Alec. "It's not being cynical. It's just being real,"

As they looked around, the people around them started screaming and writhing in pain. They all fell to the ground on after the other. Jet and Alec turned to look at each other; their eyes wide in shock and fear. As the screaming grew louder, their eyes darted around to see who will turn and who will be revealed to be like them.

Alec quickly took his phone out of his pocket to call back-up but there was no signal. For the first time, Jet heard him cursed. Alec quickly took his pill case out of his pocket but before he could even take a pill, they found themselves surrounded by twenty monsters. All of the homeless people inside the building had turned into one.

"Oh, shit," the curse was out of Jet's mouth as the monster lunged towards them.