"Shit!" Jet exclaimed as he flew towards the mat covered wall.

Alice smirked at him as Alec clapped on the sideline. For someone who had not received official training, Alice was doing a great job of kicking Jet's butt. Ao flew towards Jet who was still on the floor and landed on his stomach. The crow opened her wings and cawed.

"I don't really understand what she's saying but I got the feeling she was calling me weak," Jet groaned as he swatted the crow off of him.

Alec laughed as he walked towards him. "Well, if she is calling you that she's right. This is what you get for always skipping your training,"

Jet jumped to his feet and growled at the older man. The two of them walked towards Alice who was drinking at the corner of the room.

"Where'd you learn to fight, though?" Alec asked. "You're really not one for physical activities before, Alice,"

"Could have fooled me," Jet answered with a roll of his eyes as he slumped down on the bench.

Alec laughed as he patted Jet on the back. "Wash up, let's eat dinner,"

-"Tonight—at Main,"-

Jet groaned out loud at Alice's statement while the girl simply stared at him. He let out a frustrated sigh and stood up as he told Alec.


Jet and Alec took their Alpha pill on Alice's command and just moments later, someone did transform. With her in the team, the casualties were minimized since they could evacuate people in advance.

The monster lunged forward Alec and he jumped back as he threw his dagger towards it. It growled so loud the ground shook as the dagger embedded itself into its shoulder blades. Alec quickly recalled his dagger as Jet jumped up from behind. He landed on its shoulder; spinning his own dagger in his hand before plunging it in the monster's temple.

It punctured the skin and bones and blood gushed out; covering Jet. He leaped off the monster as it started to collapse towards the ground. He landed gracefully on his feet as a loud thud surrounded them. He clicked his tongue as he wiped the gnarly, red liquid off his face using the back of his palm.

All the while Alec was on the phone calling the clean-up team. As soon as he was done with it, he put his earphone back on. He took the pack of gums out of his pocket and opened one. Then, Jet snatched the rest out of his hands.

"Where's Alice?" Alec asked; finally noticing that his little sister wasn't with them.

Jet looked around. It was quiet; especially since they evacuated the place. And aside from the two of them, there was not a single soul outside. Not even Alice's. He frowned. He looked up at the sky but it was also devoid of anything; not a single crow nor cloud.

"I don't know," Jet shrugged. "Again, that's your sister—oww!" Jet yelped as one of Alec's marble come flying to the back of his head. "Whaatt?"

Alec rolled his eyes at him as he went and picked up his marble. As he bent down to pick it up, a pair of feet stopped just in front of him. He looked up and saw Alice standing in front of him. She cocked her head to the side as if curious about what he was doing and the crow copied her actions.

"Where did you go?" Jet asked as Alec picked his marble up and straightened up.

Alice gave a smile as she pointed behind her. The two men leaned to the side to see past her and saw shadows sitting on the branches of the tree by the side; realizing that it was crows; probably hers.

"Thanks for the help," Jet sarcastically muttered.

-"You did not even need my help,"- Alice replied.

"Anyway, Jet," Alec interrupted. "Go wash up on that public restroom. You're covered in blood. After that, let's get dinner,"

Jet's face lit up and he rubbed his hands together. "So, your treat?"

Alec rolled his eyes as he sighed. "As if you were going to come if it wasn't,"

Jet pumped his fist high in the air as he literally skipped towards the public restroom. Behind him, Alec chuckled quietly. Alice gave him a curious stare. Her head cocked to the side as well as Ao's. At the action, Alec gave a louder laugh and gave them both a pat.

At first, Alice was very wary of being touched aside by anyone aside from Jet. But after half a month of winning her trust; Alice finally allowed him to touch her even without Jet around. And since Jet's place was a dump, there was no way Alec was going to let his sister stay there.

So, he decided to bring Alice to his apartment. And that automatically included Jet since Alice wouldn't go anywhere without him. The young man was living the dream; no need to pay rent, money for the food, or even for water and electricity.

Alec felt like he had adopted a cat and a dog; a very large dog at that.

Jet came out of the public bathroom cleaner than he had entered. Though, there was nothing to be done about his blood-soaked clothes but he's not looking like a murderer anymore. With a nod from Alec, the three of them started to walk looking for a restaurant or diner as soon as the clean-up crew arrived.

"What are you treating us?" Jet inquired.

Alec rolled his eyes. "I'm treating Alice to anything she wants but you're on a budget,"

"Whaaattt?" Jet answered; clearly offended.

Alice gave another one of her silent laughs and Alec couldn't help but smile at the sight. When he returned to the country and found out her parents were dead and Alice was missing, he was sure he wouldn't be able to see her again.

Despite that she now developed a strange taste in fashion, she was definitely Alice.

And he would do everything in his power to protect her.

To kill those people who had tried to hurt her or will hurt her.

Even if it kills him.