Alice hadn't returned that neither night nor the next day.

"Find her," Clinton ordered as he slammed the folder he was holding down on his table before he sat down. "The only reason the higher-ups agreed to erase her out of the wanted list is because I assured them we would be watching her 24/7. And yet--we have no idea of her whereabouts for the last 12 hours,"

Alec and Jet stood in front of his table. Both had nothing to say to their boss who was livid. But--they both really had no idea where Alice was. For the whole month that Alice was with them, she always vanishes during a fight. It had become their norm that they hadn't even been looking for her recently.

But it was the first time she hadn't returned.

And Jet wasn't receiving anything from her. Ao vanished as well. After a few more scolding, Clinton released them from the office and was told to find Alice as soon as possible. But with no other way to contact her, they just have no idea where she could be.

"Alice once said you can talk to her mind as well. You did it during the Abandoned Avenue fight," Alec started as he closed the door to Clinton's office. "Try it. Contact her,"

"You say that but I have no idea how I did it in the first place," Jet grumbled. "That was pure luck,"

Alec stopped as he turned to face the younger man with a sigh. "It's better to try than nothing. Talk to my sister,"

Jet ran a hand through his hair in displeasure. "Fine. Don't hope though,"

Alec gave him a grateful smile as he nodded and he started for their table once more. Once in front of his computer, Alec started searching for Alice. Working for The Agency meant they have access to any CCTV cameras everywhere in their jurisdiction. It helped looking for someone easier.

But it surely hadn't help in finding Alice.

He slumped back on his chair as he let go of his mouse and keyboard. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose in fatigue. After a full day of staring into the computer and watching traffic cams, Alec's eyes were spinning. If given a choice, he'd rather fight a monster than do the office work.

He'd never been one to just sit around. That was why he was off the country pre-Freakquency. He was on an expedition in a place that there was rarely a signal. That was the sole reason why he had no idea what had happened to his family until he returned to the country.

And now, despite that he had found his sister, Alice was missing once more.

Despite all the promises that he wouldn't let her out of his sight; Alice. . . just vanished like mist in a beam of light.

A clinking sound kicked him out of his rest and he opened his eyes to see Jet leaning over his desk, his hands playing with a can of hot coffee.

"Here," he started. "You could use a little break,"

"Thanks, kid," Alec expressed as he picked the can up and wrapped his fingers around the warmth. "How is it at your end?"

Jet shrugged. "I've been speaking in my mind for the whole day. I don't have a clue if I'm not really making contact or she's simply ignoring me,"

Alec chugged the coffee Jet had given him and threw the empty can with great accuracy at the other side of the room. "You're probably failing at it,"

"Hey!" Jet retorted; clearly offended. "Despite myself, I am trying my best here,"

Alec sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "You're right. I'm sorry. It's just… I'm, huh," he gave another sigh as he stared back at his monitor, a dozen or so of traffic cams still on it. "I just don't know. Where could she have gone? And why would she leave so suddenly?"

"Uhh, Alec?" Jet called hesitantly. "I think Alice is at the sea,"

With a frown, the older man turned to Jet. "What makes you say that?"

Jet gave him a teasing look as he pointed to the corner of the monitor where traffic cam facing the sea was positioned. There was Alice, standing on the shore facing the waters. Her hair and scarf swaying behind her as a dozen or so crows danced on top of her.

Shocked, Alec bolted to his feet as he clicked on the box of the camera to zoom in it. The other camera boxes vanished as the sea cam filled the screen. The shore was empty. And her back was facing the camera. But—it was no doubt.

It was Alice.

"What. The. Hell. Is she doing at the sea?" Jet asked.

Alec slumped down on his chair once more as his worry left his mind and body. Questions may run around but at least he knew she was safe. And for him . . . That was all that matters.

He stood up once more and picked his coat up from the back of his chair and gestured for Jet to follow him. Happily, Jet quickly took Alec's car key off the table and hid it from the older man before Alec could take it away from him.

"I'm driving," he grinned.

With a roll of his eyes, Alec led Jet towards the elevator. The two of them set off for the parking lot and towards Alec's car. Like a kid on Christmas, Jet giddily sat on the driver's seat and started the car. The soft roar of the car engine was like music to his ears. He'd always wanted to try driver Alec's expensive car and he finally got the chance.

As soon as Alec closed the passenger door, Jet backed the car out of the parking lot and towards the main road.

"Do you even have a license?" Alec inquired as Jet waited for the traffic to clear.

Jet turned to Alec with an exhilarated smile. "What license?" he finished with a smirk.

"Oh, shit," Alec cursed as Jet pressed on the gas pedal.