I'm not sure whether to put them in the Auxilliary Volume since they might contain some spoilers. But I still wanted to share them.

~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~


- Quiet

- Always sleepy

- Talks only to Jet using telepathy

- She has this mysterious aura around her


Eye Color – Crystal Blue

Hair Color – Platinum in a loose curls

Height – 5'9

Body Built – Toned but petite.

Age - 19

Others – Has the mark of a crow on her left side waist

- Dresses weirdly.


- Telepathy (The ability to talk in the mind of someone else).

- Psychometry (The ability to read the information when touching an object).

- Bilocation (Ability to be at two places at once). Though unproven.

- Claircognizance (The ability to know something without logic or facts).

- Energy Manipulation (She summons all energy around her and uses it as her weapon).

- Can perfectly operate even without the help of Alpha pills.

- She does not have full control of her Energy Manipulation and can only use it a few times each year or risk self-destruction.