"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to D City Airport. Local time 4:56 P.M and the temperature is 49 degrees Fahrenheit. For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign,"

Jet awoke to the flight announcement. Somehow along the way of continuous banter between his sanity and insanity, he fell asleep. He opened his eyes and sat up straighter only to find out he couldn't. He moved his head slowly to the side to see what was weighing his body down. It was from Alice.

Sometime between the two-hour time Jet had fallen asleep, Alice had removed the armrest between them. She seemed to be so comfortable snuggled against him. He rolled his eyes—the first-class seat had so much space yet he felt like he was in an economy with the way Alice kept invading his personal bubble.