"Sorry, mate. I couldn't find her," Ronnie said as soon as Alec answered his phone. "I've looked everywhere I could think of," Alec sighed.

The sun was already setting over the horizon telling Alec another day had gone by. And yet—Alice was still missing. He had no idea where she could be. He went through to any place she could have gone to. Alec even checked their family home to be sure. But it was as empty as the day he had closed it down.

Jet had suggested they check the abandoned Avenue just to be safe. It was deprived of Alice. Just like all the places they had been to.

None of them had gotten a wink of sleep. Jet was grumpy; grumpier than his normal mood. Muttering to himself about getting Alice a phone once they found her since their mental connection was, obviously, a one-way street.