"Noah, despite having mutated, still has his thoughts as a human. Though you could see in his appearance he's different from the monsters as well,"

Alec gestured towards the young monster sitting behind him. Z and Clinton stared at him properly since the first time they've seen him when they arrived. It was true; despite that, it was somehow hard to believe, the monster they called 'Noah' was different.

Extraordinary, even.

Clinton's eyes took in the young monster from head to toe. It was true that the student had started his mutation. His body grew muscles someone couldn't; especially overnight. His fangs had grown so much it was no longer human yet not quite a monster. 

And the fact that it hadn't attacked them as soon as they appeared told them it still had its mind. 

Z furrowed his brow as he realized what Alec was saying. "Are you insinuating that something had impeded his mutation?"