"We can't let Media Crown publish the exclusive from Clinton's first," a woman in her late thirties stated as she slammed the folders she was holding down on the table in front of Ronnie and another man. 

Ronnie looked up at Clinton's connection to TPC News. She was a go-getter woman who was a talk in her profession. She was far more brutal and far faster than any person in getting the exclusives. She could get the truth out of anyone. It kind of curious Ronnie why she was a reporter and not a detective.

"We've been after the Agency since way before," she explained to Ronnie, patting the folders she dropped in front of him.

Curious, Ronnie opened the very top folder to read it. It was information about the agents working for Division One. Ronnie raised a brow in question as he looked up at the woman who took a seat in front of him. 

"Why?" Ronnie asked.