Echoes of the Past

Blood spilled everywhere. The smell of it was very strong. The cries of fallen warriors still lingered on the battlefield. Burnt bodies everywhere.It was the blood of the Laveau witches that was spilled. Their entire coven wiped by King Casimir of Gelida Kingdom.

The Laveau Witches were the powerful witches to ever exist. They come directly from the first Witches. King Casimir was the ruler of another powerful Kingdom, Gelida. The two came together when Royal Prince Felipe fell in love with Amethyst.

Amethyst was a very powerful witch. Her beauty was second to none in the fantasy world. Her beauty was what mean craved for. Most men fell prey to her charms and she broke them. She was a craft and sinister witch. Her deep blue eyes has the ability to draw people to her.

Prince Felipe fell for her when he saw her at a Royal Ball. At that time witchcraft was accepted. He knew she was a witch ,but still lobed her. In the end they got married sealing two different species together.

Prince Nikolai the prince's eldest brother lusted for his wife Amethyst. When Prince Felipe wasn't around he would try all means to win Amethyst heart. Prince Felipe got to know of this and fought his brother bringing an impossible war . It spilt the Royal Family into different parts.

The Laveau witches were no exception to this war. Their covens were burnt by locals of the Kingdoms as well as the Lavuea witches themselves. Their jatred with Royals still run deep kn their bones and the Gelida Kingdom.

To this day they remember how they got killed in an avoidable war. This war has gone on for centuries making the use of magic prohibited. Any witch caught in sight was executed. Witches now hide themselves in the midst of humans and go about their daily lives, but live far from human settlement.

They live their lives in secret afraid of what will become of them if they are caught by humans. That's why there's a code never trust a human....