Chapter 6- A Witch's Call

Celeste packed her potions and herbs in her small bag. Christian stood waiting at the edge of the barrier. Luna climbed Celeste's shoulder and peeked down. Her master's bag was indeed fascinating she didnt understand how it worked.

Celeste walked inside her small cottage imprinting the details in her mind. She might not see it again for long.

Christian saw her appear from the door and watched her cottage with longing. He saw how reluctant she was leaving the cottage. Whatever her reason for moving it must be serious. He hadn't seen a fear flash in her face since she took hin in. She always kept a neutral expression. Even her smiles felt fake.

" I think i should do this before leaving." She mumbled. She watched the cottage once more. Christian gave her a confused look.

She touched the barrier and it deactivated. 'inanis umbra' She hit her foot on the ground. A black hole appeared above the house and shadows sprouted out burning the cottage.

"Let's leave." She walked into the forest. Christian watched the house crumple down. The hole disappeared and the place looked like nothing was there in the first place.

The walked in silence for hours. The sky was clear and the sun shone brightly. The forest was dense and the most prominent smell was wet soil. The birds chirped an enchanting harmony.

The trees creaked as the wind hit their trunks and some of the dead leaves fell on the carpet grass. Celeste turned her head and stared at Christian. He looked okay.

She thought about where to settle next. Gylore told her some time ago there was a small village three kilometers from her cottage . She wasn't entirely sure about their rules about visitors but she hoped they wouldn't give them problems.

Speaking of problems, she had to keep a close eye on Christian incase something happened. She watched him again and still saw the protection spell on him. There were cracks on the barrier around him and it was faint. She needed to renew it before they arrived at their destination.

"Let's stop here." She paused searching their surroundings for threats. The sun was still up, so they needed to rest quickly and continue before nightfall.

He thought about how his life turned upside down. He was content with his current life. The place became too quiet that every second that passed made him uncomfortable.

"Where are we going?" he asked her. She sat still listening to any sounds. His question distracted her but she answered because it was becoming uncomfortable sitting in silence.

Faust slithered to the ground and coiled around himself. He enjoyed the cold form the soil. 'Cold.' He hissed. She petted his head and looked at Christian.

"We are going to a village not far from here. We should reach there by dawn." She explained to him. After they had enough rest , they continued walking until they reached a stone pathway. "Maybe we're almost there" She said. They followed the pathway till it suddenly vanished.

She stopped at the end of the pathway. "This is something strange. I think we have to rest now." Christian nodded his head. They moved to a more secluded area and rested there.

"I'll look for sticks you stay here." Christian said leaving Celeste with Luna and Faust. 'Looks like lover boy still cares for you.' Luna said earning a slap to her head.

"Can you stop doing that?"She rolled her eyes. Christian came back with sticks. She watched as he arranged the sticks. Luna was right in a way. She noticed he had blonde hair with blue eyes. His chest was exposed as he knelt and she noticed the symbol on his chest.

She needed to tell him about it but first she needed to meet an old friend. He stood watching the sticks. He didn't know how to set the fire. "What are you doing?" She startled him. "I'm trying to start a fire." He replied scratching his neck.

"Weren't you taught how to camp as a prince?" She asked. She remembered seeing carriages pass her place some time ago . The next thing were people filing out and camping near not even noticing her cottage. To the human eye it looked like a normal place.

When she brought him in, she didn't think he was the one until he saw the barrier around her cottage.

"I wasn't taught since they never liked me. They left me on my own and expected I followed their will." She rose her eye in surprise. She didn't realize how humans were wicked.

"I see." She nodded her head. She inched closer to the sticks he set up and placed her palm above. Flames danced on her palms and she directed them to the dry sticks. They both waited till the fire grew consuming the sticks.

"Its peaceful isn't it?" She asked out of the blue. He followed hwe line of sight. Luna was nestling on her lap and her snake friend was in her sash. He only peeked to have a view of the fire before them.

She pulled her cloak closer to her body to warm Faust. The night was becoming cold. Her senses heightened especially her eyesight. She had never been out this long and she was becoming afraid of the unknown.

"Where are you going?" Christian asked her. She climbed the tree near them ans relaxed on a branch. "Staying here and keeping watch." She replied him.

He nodded and layed closer to the fire. "Take this" She tossed her cloak to him. He took it and wrapped his body with it. He smiled at the warmth it provided him. "Goodnight." He said sleepily.

She waved him off and continued keeping watch.

The birds hummed a tune when the sun was up. Celeste groaned in pain. All the leaning on the tree gave her a slight back ache. She jumped down effortlessly.

Christian was already ul by the time she climbed down. The fire had died down too. Christian handed her cloak back to her.

"Let's keep moving." She siad tieing the rope around the bust.

The two continued walking until they came across a small village. It was quiet and only older residents where seen wandering about doing their activities. The children were running happily with sticks in their hand.

It had few cottages and lot of huts. Most of the huts had a small garden in front kr at the side of them. A stream flowed beside the village and a small fountain was situated in the middle of the village.

They walked quietly into the village avoiding the people.

The passed s several cottages before reaching one particular one. It was bigger than the other cottages. It had flowers hanging down from its sides. The door was covered with creeeping plants. At the side of the cottage there was a garden with strange plants.

They heard singing from inside. Celeste held the flower shaped door knocker and hit the door thrice.

The voice became louder as the person came closer. "Who's there?" The voice asked turning the door knob. "Edrea what a pleasant surprise to see you!" The person peeked from the door.

"Who's this fine gentleman? " The person held Christian's chin inspecting him closely .

"Ugh, can you stop that Exium." She walked inside while Exium dragged Christian.

The inside was filled with plants. It was was welcoming and warm. Exium sat across Celeste amd Christian. Exium had green hair with brown eyes. He was tall and was good looking.

" I see, you've brought in trouble Edrea. I also hate the council and their ways of doing things. Let's look at you." Exium shifted his gaze to Christian.

"Come closer darling let's do a check-up shall we?" He grinned and Celeste gave him a disgusted look. He was a playboy and his methods of using magic were perverted.

Plants stems crawled from Exium's seat to Christian seat griping his wrist, abdomen and legs. Another stem held his head in place while the other opened his button. The plants pushed Christian's seat closer to Exium who peered at the strange symbol.

Christain stared at Celeste. He felt uncomfortable when the plants started climbing him and opened his buttons.

"This is unexpected Edrea. I thought they vanished a long time ago." He waved his hand and the plants pulled Christian's seat back and crawled away from him.

"Edrea?" Christian said catching his breath. Exium gave him a look. "Edrea, yes. It's her name. Did she not tell you that?" Christian shook his head.

"She told me to call her Celeste." Exium scowled at the name. "My! What a horrible name! Where did you get it?" He gasped.

"Stop it Exium. Not in the mood. I need rest half of my energy has been drained by turning into a shadow and using my staff." She rubbed her forehead.

"Oh you did! That's bad. You only use it when you loose....." She glared at him and the words died in his mouth. "Sorry. Anyways, you two should go and rest. I'll wake you up when the moon's up, we have to talk." He clapped and ushered them to their rooms.

"Oh and Christian don't enter her room while she's resting, you wouldn't like to see the sight of her." Exium warned him and left to care for his plants.