The Day Emperor Akishino Died - Part 8: “Soyong, always was my love.”

In the face of her horrible, grossly offensive presence, which caused the moon to disappear behind the clouds in shame; and made his soul almost leave his body in horror, the Emperor averted his eyes, unable to make himself look any longer at this vulgar and deluded creature.

"You are a horrible beast, a raving monster that can't be tamed. You rode that demon beast inside of you to new highs of cruelty and loved it.

"Was it fun watching Soyong suffer? Did it fill your cup with cold malice? Did you get a buzz of power when your hand was the only thing between her and certain death? Don't answer... I don't want to hear how you'll justify your cruelty."

The Emperor clenched his hands together, and his voice seemed to catch in his throat. "She was my life, my greatest love. You took her away. The more I dwell on it, the more I see you falling to the endless bottom of a well, and I throw a big boulder on your head.