The Day Emperor Akishino Died - Part 31: Stubbornness of the heart

A resigned smile flitted across his face. "How keenly determined you are meeting your fate," Shufeng began, slowly and deliberately, "and to become the Crown Princess," he concluded with barely suppressed anger. "I must congratulate you on your wedding. When were you going to deliver my wedding invitation?"

Emika whipped her head up. "You... you... know..." she stammered, her voice trailing away into a mumble.

"So you do lie. And you have lied to me at least twice: once for the past eight years and once just now. " Emika looked at him with those wide-open eyes, ready to say something contrary, but he took a step towards her, pinning her with a feral look which made her shut her mouth as he said sharply: "During all those years we spent together, why did you not tell me that you were already engaged to my brother? What were you hoping to achieve? Did you not realise how much you affected me?"