Duty Above Love

"Enough thinking of such unpleasant matters of the heart!" Shufeng scolded himself.

Then the words of dippy wisdom from his bodyguard--'Life is all about perspective. For example, turtles think frogs are homeless'--presently made sense, somehow. And it brought a smile to his dispirited heart. 

"Clear your mind of this woman... Just focus on the bright constellations... Clear your mind of this woman..." Shufeng repeated aloud as if chanting the mantra of life.

The sky was cloudless. So the Prince turned his attention heavenwards to focus on the celestial sphere and he began to searched out and name the various star patterns.

However, his mind erred again and he was absorbed in thoughts that if he could moisten his brush with drops of moonlight and paint Emika's portrait one more time, it would be by all means his most exquisite work.