Chapter 7: Crush on you

Today was very productive day, I woke up late and I need to attend an urgent meeting, so I went to the office without having a meal, I cannot even fix myself.

"Chloe can I—"

"I'm sorry ma'am, Ms. Gonzales ordered me to send these files to other branch."

"Ok okay, go ahead and do that."

"But I can—"

"No no no, it's okay that's more important."

I left her and I felt more hungry, I think my body can eat my own organs if I'll not eat any food. I was about to ask my employees to buy me a food, but they are so busy then I decided to go back to my office and just order food via application.

"Oh my gosh, I can't take this anymore."

I look my phone in my bag but it wasn't there, I realized that I left my phone in the meeting area. I go back in the meeting room to get my phone, as I returned I noticed that it's not like a room for professionals it's like a mess, so I call a utility to clean it after that I went back to my office and I saw our guard Ramon carrying two paper bags of foods.

"Ma'am the food delivery is here."

"I did not order any food yet."

"But the delivery boy said it's for you and your name is also indicated on the paper bag."

I get the food from him and I said thank you for bringing my food. I took out the food from the paper bag and my eyes widened when I saw a lot of food like pancakes, chicken sandwich, fried chicken, Slurpee, iced coffee and chocolate ice cream.

There is a pink envelope, like what Ramon said my name written on it.

- - - - -

To my Ashley,

I saw you earlier rushing to go to work and I think that you did not eat breakfast, so I ordered you a brunch hahaha. Happy morning Ashley! I'm sorry and remember I'm starting to court you. I love you.


- - - - -

I smiled after I read the letter, I feel so special today because it's the first time someone gave me delivered food. How sweet of him!


When I arrived home, I saw a lot of food and bouquet of flowers and it has a letter again.

- - - - -

To my Ashley,

I asked your housekeepers to help me and I made all of your favorite food. Eat well!


- - - -

For the second time he made me smile by giving me food. I'm planning to put it on my IG stories but I decide to keep it on my gallery I don't want Dominique thought that I'm easy to get.

After doing my errands here in resort I'm planning to go to the mall and on my way to the lobby I saw a man wearing formal attire.

"Hi Ms. Ashley, I'm Dexter I'll be your assistant and bodyguard for today. Where do you want to go ma'am?"

I smiled awkwardly. "I want to go to the mall."

"Okay let's go!"

While we are in the elevator, I receive call from Dominique.

"Hey I can't be with you today, I'm kinda busy, so I sent Dexter to accompany you."

"No it's fine—"

Call ended…

What the heck? I'm not finished talking then he just hanged up the phone?

The elevator open when he reached the parking lot. Dexter walk behind me until we reach his car.

"Yeah that's nice." I whispered and rolled my eyes.


I bought many clothes and groceries because I don't have enough stock on my refrigerator. Felt sorry for Dexter because he carries a lot of plastic bags and paper bags, I want to help him, but he refused my offer.

"That's okay Dexter I can carry some paper bags I'm not weak and don't be scared I will not tell it to your boss."


Sunday morning and It's my rest day, so I have a lot of time today. I'm planning to visit the church today to thank the Lord for the blessing and after that I will go to the park. After the mass I saw a lot of roses, so I hurried to go outside but I lost my balance. I'm surprised when someone pulled my hand to gain my balance, I just realized I'm someone's body.

"Sister be careful"

A servant of the church was supporting me, because I immediately saw him wearing a decent uniform, so I thanked him then I looked at the roses, but they suddenly disappeared, so I felt sad and went straight to the park. But why do I only see a couple here?!

"You will also separate as soon as possible! Do you think your relationship will last?!" I said while rolling my eyes.

I turned to the left side and I saw a man in a polo shirt, and then he looked like...


I looked again, and I was wrong, it wasn't Dominique. I covered my mouth and just moved to another place.

"Geez, why is that going to be Dominique? I know he's just resting" I said to myself.

"Why am I sad? Because I have no boyfriend? Or companion? Where is Dexter? I need a companion and talk too, wooo!" I said.

I walked again and then entertained the dancers and joined the Zumba performers, so I was really amazed. After I danced the Zumba for 5 minutes, I simply left to go around

"I miss him" I whispered

"Do you miss me? Of course not"

I was just shaken because I was talking to myself again. As I start to walk to see other places here. I was surprised when it suddenly thundered and then it started to mist, so I was suddenly confused.

"Why did I leave without an umbrella?" I asked myself.

The rain was getting heavier and started to seeing the shelter, I thought I would have crossed the road but I heard a loud horn approaching me, so I looked at the car and I almost didn't see because of his light. He was getting closer and closer, but I was surprise that someone pulled me hard and hugged me tightly. This time I didn't feel any raindrops, so I looked at someone in front of me, and he was wearing a black jacket but why was I suddenly nervous? My nervousness now went to my stomach

"Don't commit suicide, many still love you"

Slowly I looked up at him, a man of new dyed hair and new haircut who no longer masked looking at me obviously worried

"I already told you that I am always here for you, yes I made a mistake, but this time I will not let you disappear with me again"

I don't know what should I react because I need to find to stay to the place I'll wait until the rain is gone but I hugged him immediately while crying. I don't know why I cried but maybe the anger or pain in my heart has already disappeared and also maybe I appreciated him even though he hurt me with it, he's still there and still willing to wait for us to get along.

"Charles will be lost forever in my heart, but not you Ashley"

This is probably what I can call that I am happy under the sad sky


1 week has passed ...

Dominique and I with his fans club are in charity event and I'm so happy because they warmly welcomed me and now we were in the middle of the program. We had no fun laughing and having fun with the children.

While Dominique's fans were performing, suddenly someone touched me on my waist, so I looked at it immediately

"Ms. Ashley, you and Mr. Dominique are good"

"Really?" I asked.

The boy who was touching me nodded

"Yes, isn't he your boyfriend?"

I shook


"It's a pity sister but I feel like you will be"

My eyes widened and I laughed

"Well, what's your name?"


"Uhm Justine, Dominique is gay, so basically he won't like someone like me, a woman" I said while fixing his hair

He shook his head

"Miss Ashley, we have the things that are impossible to happen but it is really possible to happen, if you want to"

"Oh who told you such an inspirational advice?"

"My mom, she told me"

"Where is she?"

"In heaven, she followed Dad"

I bowed

"Why did your parent die?"

"Dad is a hardworking he's stylist he has an own salon, and mom said since they gave birth which is me, Dad worked even harder because Dad doesn't want Mom and I to be hungry"

"Your dad is a stylist? So you mean..."

"Yes, my father is gay too like Mr. Dominique"

"Oh and then?"

"When he met Mom in the salon, Dad was fascinated"

I nodded

"So my dad died because my mom's Ex boyfriend shot him with a bullet, because the man still in loved with Mom but because Dad loves Mom so much, Dad took the bullet and Mom said that Dad did not reach the hospital and Mom got a heartbreak. Mom, on the other hand, was the reason why she died because my uncle stabbed her and took drugs, so here I am at the orphanage because no one of mg family want to accept me, to take care of me"

I hugged the little boy

"Miss Ashley, do you know what Dad to Mom said before he left?"

"What is it?"

"Even though he is in the other world, he will still love, thankful, and choose mom and me. So Miss Ashley, if Mr. Dominique likes you, go and grab him because I believe it will be a good future for both of you, and I will wish that you and Mr. Dominique will not be harmed like my parents happen"

I hugged the boy tightly again and thanked him

"Alright, sister, I'll be back"

When Justine left, and I saw Dominique smiling at me, so I choose to smile back, and then he averted his eyes, and he continued to give food to them, so I helped too.

While I was handing out the toy but I suddenly saw Dominique carrying a baby but suddenly he made the baby cry and then laughed, so I sniffed at him annoyed then he returned it to the Nun and Justine approached Dominique, then Justine seemed to be saying something and suddenly he pointed at me. He lowered Justine then approached me and kissed me on the cheek

"Thank you" He said

The children and those with us were making noise

"Huh? For what?"

"Because you spend so much time with the kids, and you obviously get tired now so that's why I give you a kiss from me" he said

"Did he say..."

"I'll go back now, talk to you later" he smiled while winking then he left

So I stiffened in my seat due to shock and I saw Justine thumbing up at the same time running away while laughing

Geez that kid was so... Argh


Our Charity event is over, and we are saying goodbye to each other, so I waited for Dominique the artist to get on board with his other fans doing the same but the others said goodbye because they avoided the traffic on the way home

I'm already tired today and I really want to go home to take a rest but I also have a long trip

When Dominique's car was on front of me, he suddenly got outside the car, and he looked at me, so I raised an eyebrow saying "What?"

"Take a ride, why are you still there?" He asked.

"Huh?" Then I looked at his fans who were also looking at me

"Ashley, it's fine go on, have a safe drive!" Girl in a red shirt said.

I looked at Dominique again

"I said get inside because I'll take you home, also look at you now, do you think you can travel alone? So let's go" he pulled me into the car, and we said goodbye to his fans.

Dominique's driver start to drive, which I thought was right in front of me, so we just had to relax


| Dominique's POV|

While Ashley and I were going home, I noticed the surrounding silence except the radio. I was surprised when she still clung to my arm as if she was still dreaming, so I took his hand and kissed his head

"I'm just here... always" I whispered

I delivered Ashley well to her unit safely, so she can take a rest because obviously, she looks tired. While I was going to my unit, someone called me.



I stopped because I knew that voice very well

"Shawn I'll be back to the Philippines soonest"

Call ended...

My heart felt ached again and I don't know why still felt it, and she will come back here again, for what reason?


|Ashley's POV |

I am currently in the office, and I am doing too much now like OMG I need to chill as in pressure is pressure to the highest level

I was so pressured and someone sent files wrong that I was reprimanded, so I filed an urgent meeting and I got angry.

Starting to explained to them again of what to do and in the middle of the meeting, then suddenly knocked

"Yes what?!" I said.

Our guard peeked in with a bouquet of white roses and paper bag and it looks like food in the inside of it

"Ma'am, someone is giving this for you, his name is Dominique" he said

My employees looked at me in awe so I smiled

"Please put it on my table, thank you" I said

After he closed the door, I also calmed down, so I explained again the right procedures and expecting to let not this happens again

After we had a meeting I looked at what the foods and flowers, then I looked at the letter

- - - - -

To my Ashley,

White roses for you,

I guess red roses are next

'cause it's define I love you

And suits to a beautiful lady like you

- - - - -

I can't deny that this letter really made me smile and ate until I ran out. This is really helped my stress relieved.

- - - - -

To: Dominique

Thank you for the foods 😚

- - - - -

I turned off my phone again and just watched him on TV. I know he will receive my text, so I'm just finishing my work on my table and waiting him to respond


I was in the room when I realized...

- - - - -

From: Kenzo

Sister, your flight to the States is open. I'll give you the hotel address okay? See you!

- - - - -

I was suddenly confused and called my mom, but she texted me already

- - - - -

From: Mom

Ashley, don't worry about your luggage. I know you can forget because you were busy lately, so that's why I ordered to our maids here. Alright, have a safe flight tomorrow and Ashley, don't forget to visit your Uncles and Aunties okay?

- - - - -

I got up and rang the doorbell correctly, so I peeked and my suitcase is already arrived, so I took it immediately and then I thought of going to Dominique, and he said he had a work at the studio, so I went immediately but I spent 2 hours in traffic but I hope I can catch up really Dominique

When I arrived at his bar, I could no longer see him because he said that he had finished his work, so I hurried out to drive my car to the park when I saw the church where I was surprised to Dominique and I don't know if my feet seem to be pulling there, so I went down and entered the church

When I entered, there was a man on his knees and sat in the right front seat, so I thought of going to it, and I was not mistaken Dominique


He turned to me

"Hey Ashley"

We were in front of my car parked in the park and I didn't know how to say about the flight but I need it to say right away



"My flight to the US is by tomorrow, Kenzo's wedding remember?"

He looked at me

"Until when?"

I shrug

"Mom told me that I'm going to visit all my relatives there and I'm sure it will take a while, maybe 1 week or 2 weeks I guess" I said

"How can I continue like how about us?" He asked.

I suddenly looked at him

"Dominique, we're already fine, so stop that" I said

He scratched his head so hard

"How am I? How about me?" He asked.

"Huh? What are you talking about? You idiot, I'll be back here Dominique don't worry" I said.

"Well, I can't be with this girl for a week..." He said and sighed.

"Dominique, I really need to attend and visit there after that I'll go home"

I was surprised when he held my hand, so I frowned at him

"Be careful there huh? Remember I'm not with you so you're hi alone there"

I smiled

"Of course, you also should not be weak with the guys anyway" I said

"I'm not a weak that you know anymore, I'll be strong" he said

"Alright, let's go home and tomorrow my flight is too early, so I can't come there late" I said

I was about to get in my car when he suddenly pulled me back to him, and he hugged me tightly

"I will miss you" he whispered to me, so I hugged him tightly

"Me too" I replied

Maybe it was also a 1-minute hug between the two of us, and then he let me go. I got on, and he just waited for me to leave before he could get in his car.


📍 Las Vegas, USA

Kenzo and Ivan are currently getting married and well they are in exchange for vows, and I was super touched by their messages, so I feel like I want to cry without knowing, but we just had to stop, and after that it was announced that they would kiss, and we applauded. We went straight outside to enjoy and then straight to the reception

I don't know much about it except for Kenzo's parents who want to talk to me because they know me ever since, and they also take care of me a lot since I don't have any friends here

"I was wondering that you want to go home because you're alone"

I looked in front of me


"Hi! I'm glad that you came here" he said.

"Of course I already promised you that I will attend on your wedding day but anyway congratulations to both of you" I said

He smiled and then Ivan stepped aside

"Girl, do you already have a boyfriend?" Ivan asked

"Huh? I haven't?" I said with a confused look.

They both looked at each other


"Well, who is the hot celebrity in the Philippines who always tails you?" Ivan asked

"Honey, does literally have a tail?" Kenzo asked

"Yes, I can see it on hot celebrity's IG and Twitter post, so I asked if it was Ashley"

Okay they were referring to Dominique

"Ah we're just best friends, he's one of your sister like you know what I'm gonna trying to say"

"Yes, but we smelled something of him like sis believe me" Ivan said

"There's a big chance right honey?" Kenzo asked

"Yes, I can smell it" Ivan said

"These gays, it's vague in reality" I said

"Hmm! We can't be wrong, isn't he making a serious effort with you?" Ivan asked.

"Uhm... Yes recently".

"He's flirting with you, isn't he?" Ivan asked.

"I guess? I don't think so" I said.

"Even though you're okay, he's keep flirting with you?" Ivan asked.

"Maybe? I remember before I went here, he asked about the sending me gifts for apologizing then I said he should stop because we're already fine" I said.

"Girl! You may not be aware that you are being courted" Ivan said.

"Huh?" I said while widened my eyes.

"I agree with you honey, I strongly instincts it" Kenzo said

"It's impossible, we're just friends only" I said

"Sis, remember when a red rose is given to you, it will tell you he really likes you more than friends" Ivan said

I thought to myself, but it's impossible that Dominique likes me, and he's comes from the break up

"Sister, yes it came from the break up, but he likes you, he will do everything, so you should observe" Ivan said

"But I want him for you" Kenzo said

"Yes sis, and you look good together" Ivan said

"It looks like they've been together for a long time, right?" Kenzo said

"Yes, so they won't get tired of each other" Ivan said

"But girl just a reminder, if you like him too, you must be always ready, because we don't know what will happen next and upcoming challenge to both of you, it is inevitable that others like us both" Ivan said

"But if you want advice don't be shy to ask us for advice huh?" Kenzo said.

"Yes, because we are sure we can answer that" Ivan said

I touched them both, so I stood up and hugged them

"Thank you so much, I love you both!" I said

A photographer approached us and took a picture the three of us, and we ate as well

I was already at the house of my uncles and aunts, and I was surprised that it has a child already. My uncle Reuben's daughter, is a 3-year-old girl with blonde hair and skinny skin, so I was entertained because he knew me very well

"Your cute, what's your name?" I asked the little girl.

"My name is Francheska Rose Alfonso" she said

"What should I call you?" I asked.

"Cheska" she said

I was even more amused by her, so I saw Uncle Reuben looking at us

"Uncle, where is Aunt Mary?" I asked.

"Ah, she went to the grocery store, she bought something" he said

"How are they? How's other aunties and uncles, and the rest of the family?" I asked.

"Your uncles are fine and as usual busy" he said

"Did you know that your cousin wants to go to the Philippines?"

"Philippines? Ashley can I come with you? I want to see Grandmother"

We both laughed

"If given a chance baby girl but as of now, I'm sorry"

"Aww it's fine" she said

I smiled

"Where is Chelsea?" I asked uncle Reuben.

"She's at work, but he knows you're coming here, so I'm sure he's in a hurry to go home, I'm sure she misses you so much"

"My cousin really has this heritage" I said

Uncle married an American lady as well as my other uncles and aunts so my cousins ​​are beautiful and handsome. But not all Americans they married, other is Canadians, Australians, who only live here.

"Ashley do you have a boyfriend?" Cheska asked.

I looked at Uncle

"I'm curious" she added

"Uhm I don't have" I said

"Who is the... Dad, you saw that did they have a picture of cousin Ashley with the guy... Then you said it's a celebrity in the Philippines right?"

The two of us looked at each other again, and he was laughing, so I stared

"Uncle..." I said while confused.

"I just saw it Ashley and besides you two look good couple" he said

I was so hard against it because they really want me to have a boyfriend

"Aren't you the girlfriend? I want him for you" he said.

"Uncle Reuben!" I said and uncle laugh harder.

"Why? I'm telling the truth even if you ask your other uncles and aunts and even my wife" he said.

"Cousin Ashley, if he's really loved you, let him love you because it's a blessing from God that he saw you that he knows that you will love him too" Cheska said

I immediately looked at my cousin who you thought was not a child especially at Uncle and just shrugged laughing, so I frowned

"Mom!" Cheska said.

Auntie Chelsie came home with many boxes of pizza and ice cream she gave to Uncle Reuben then immediately hugged me tightly

"Oh my Asherine I miss you so much!"

"Aww I miss you too Aunt"

"Aww honey how are you?"

She pulled me into the kitchen immediately

"Have a seat, your Uncle told me that you're here, so I bought many boxes of pizza and Ice cream because this is your favorite" she said

My heart flattered, and Auntie Cheska really love me so much ever since

"But... Where is he?" She asked while she finds someone.

"Who?" I asked

"Your boyfriend? Celebrity boyfriend?" She said.

I stared at Uncle Reuben who looked at me maliciously

"So, you don't have a boyfriend? So is he your suitor?" She asked.

"Auntie, no it's not, we're just friends" I said

"Aww but my husband told me that he is your—" she said and Uncle Reuben cut off


"Boyfriend? Oh, no no no he's gay anyway" I said.

"Oh d*mn it! I told you hon" Auntie Chelsie said.

"But not all gay they can like boys only, because some gays they can like girls too and I think he is one of them" Uncle Reuben said

"Uncle!?" I said threateningly.

Uncle shrugged and laugh again

"I feel bad for you sweetie, but I wish he was your boyfriend because you look good together, right hon?" Auntie Chelsie said.

"Yes!" Uncle Reuben agreed.

"Mom let's eat now" Cheska said

We laughed when Cheska came in, so we all just ate while talking and laughing. I also don't know like you know if only he was close to it here, I'm going to introduce him to my other relatives here you know that? I miss him too, but how is he right now?

Wow, but I said to Dominique that I will come back. No matter what the outcome. So I need to calm down and enjoy while I'm here in Las Vegas


1 week has passed...

I'm hurriedly to go home to the Philippines because I heard that Dominique was in the hospital because he said he had a car accident, so I was at the airport to go home immediately

📍 Manila, Philippines

I went straight to the said hospital, but he did not direct me there. I was in a hotel and then I was dropped off, so I was suddenly nervous about what would happen. He gave me where I should go straight, so I just followed. Until I arrived at a venue that seemed dark, so I opened the door, and I was surprised by the speaker.

"Because you were so busy and you almost forgot your birthday so..."

The light turned on


My employees, family, friends and Dominique are here, so I can't help to cry because I thought what happen to Dominique

He approached me with a cake and then I didn't really know what I would react, so I just cried, so they said "Aww" for me

"I don't know how I will feel, why did you guys said that Dominique had an accident? Did you know that in my haste and I almost had a punch at the airport because my flight was delayed then... Oh my gosh" I said.

"Actually Ashley, I thought that will happen" my Mom said

"Mom!?" I said while laughing.

They laughed

"So, that means you really love me?" Dominique asked that everyone was giggled

"Dominique looks like a fool" I whispered, but they still heard, so they laughed

"Oh anyway make a wish then blow it" he said

I closed my eyes first and I had 3 wishes then I blew the candle and laughed at them at the same time, then the music started. Dominique approached me without holding the cake, he was ready to hug but I pinched him and then my mother approached me.

"Ashley happy birthday, Dominique really had a plan these but I just came up with the idea that he had an accident but don't worry your grandmother opposed it"

"Mom! How could you do that to me? You know how much paranoid I am" I said.

"I love you my daughter, just forget the accident, so let's enjoy, and also, don't pinch Dominique okay? He made this for you then you'll gonna pinched him? My daughter I didn't teach you like that" she said.

"Is it my fault now mom?! Hahaha" I asked then she laugh.

"Alright hahaha happy birthday Ashley my daughter enjoy tonight I love you! Okay Dominique, take care of my daughter okay? I have to go, thank you again" She said, and she hug me and Dominique.

She leaves and then Dominique approached me again

"Accident, accident, she knows that I can easily get confused" I said

He smiled, and he would touch me but I walked away a little

"Hey? It's your birthday, do you know that I miss you so much?!" He asked.

"Talk to my hand!" I turned back to leave when he spoke

"You just really don't want me to have an accident because you're really don't want to lose me in your life... Aww, I felt touched... Come here baby girl" he said teasingly.

I looked up suddenly

"Why would I let that person disappear once I was made happy? And that was the reason I came back here?" I said.

I looked at him immediately, and I saw that Dominique is started to blush, so I laughed. How good you are Asherine and you really recovered, he doesn't know that I can make him giggled, so he covered his face.

"You know what Dominique? You are so handsome tonight, I did see your good posture and you suit tuck in a polo, wow can I smell you?" I said teasingly.

I was going to smell his shoulder, but he walked away, so I follow him

"Hey! I'll just smell it, don't you want to hug me? This is it! This is our moment!" I said.

I could clearly see him blushing, so I teased her even more

"Do you have crush on me?" I asked while raising my eyebrows.

He moved further away

"Dominique! Go hug me right now and I miss you too" I said while spreading my arms towards him.

He turned away

"You really have crush on me, just say it right now" I said teasingly

Suddenly he turned back and then went towards me, so I backed away due to panic then he really faced his face with me and smiling then suddenly disappear his red cheeks then he spoke

"What if I say yes? What you going to do?" He said.

Your sister swallowed and don't know what to say


"You want me to tell everyone else?" He asked.

"Hey! I'm just kidding! Why so serious?" I said.

I was surprised when he went to the center stage to pick up the mic and stopped the song

"Hi everybody! I'm Shawn Alvarez and I just want to say that... Do you see that woman?" Dominique pointed at me, so they looked at me.

"Yes the birthday girl... That is my crush... I have crush on Ashley everybody" he said.

They shouted then he went through closed to me. So I blushed even more and I felt a little embarrassment and then I was brought closer to him until I was next to Dominique and then walked away.

"Happy birthday crush" he said

They applauded with a simultaneous scream and I don't know what I will do next