Don't confuse me

Imogen is silent.

The pendant drops, and the sound of it hitting the surface of the couch get both of their attention. Kyrie turns his head around, and his eyes focus on the pendant attached to the silver chain around Ian's neck. Kyrie looks at the cylinder-shaped pendant with the green potion inside.

[A potion? Green potion... Is this...]

"The potion of truth," Imogen confirmed Kyrie's thought.

Kyrie holds his breath as he picks up the pendant. The liquid inside glides down as Kyrie turns it vertically.

[Why... Why does Ian have it?]

Kyrie turns around and studies Imogen's face, who is standing petrified like a statue pinned to the ground.

"Was it Nate?" asks Kyrie.

Imogen nods. He knows that Imogen is not the kind of person who will get her hands on these kinds of things. The next most probable guess is Nate.

[That damn collector!]

Kyrie clasps the potion wrapping it completely inside his palm.