Then... you want me to treat you?

"Oh! Do you know me? But master blacksmith? Hehe… Not yet though..."

[A genius master blacksmith that we read in our textbooks at the academy. Who will question his work? Although it seems that the illusion is playing at the time before he becomes very famous.]

The dwarf blushes. They are compliments to those in his industry. If a traveler like Kyrie hears their name, their fame must have risen. Their hard work and faith towards the earth god Udarr are not in vain.

"Is the person that you are giving a ring the same as I am thinking?" asks the dwarf while covering his smile that has spread way too wide.

Kyrie looks at the dwarf with a shy smile while he takes the ring into his hands. He grasps the ring in his hands while releasing his mana. A gentle gold light that surrounds his body gets accumulated into his hands. Then, he releases his grasp, opening his palm. The jewel on the ring has turned gold from the gray color. 

"Where is he now?"