Taken souls

Inside a cave, Phanes looks around, and her eyes immediately land on the walls' carvings. The stone monuments protrude from the well-sanded stone surface as if they are living beings stuck inside the story made out of stone.

Phanes immediately recognizes Udarr in the carvings. The sculptor must have met the actual god for such accuracy. 

The carvings show Udarr, with his army of thousands, standing on clouds, looking down at his burning city. His expression is livid! Pointing at the city, Udarr commands his colossal army to descend for the annihilation. Like a crashing wave, his thousand heavenly soldiers descend onto the city. 

The mortals below the heavens gasp as they look at the sky. As if they cannot distinguish fantasy and reality, some stand frozen. Others, finally snapping out of their daze, turn their backs, preparing to run away from the madness—terror blooms on their faces.