Udarr and the replica

Phanes blankly stares at Erebus, waiting for him to explain the situation. Although she has a hunch that the reason centers on the magic circle, she has never seen this type anywhere before.

"Do you know the legends written about 'the First'? You must have read the records since you are taking the succession trials," asks Erebus.

"Yes, I have read about those records," Phanes nods.

"In the legends, 'the First' created a place to punish evil, for souls that do not know redemption. I think this is a replica of that place described in the legends. This must be Udarr's doing."

Her lips part in shock. Udarr knows about how to replicate something created by 'the First?' Phanes is aware that the things left behind by the first god cannot be touched by just anyone.