Fate is biased to the weak

"Death?" Phanes presses her lips tightly.

The memories of Kyrie talking about Ian flash in Phanes's mind. He carries a sweet smile whenever Ian's name comes out of his mouth. The image breaks Phanes's heart, and her chest feels stuffy for Kyrie and Ian. They are fated not to be together.

"What about the other kid?" asks Erebus, breaking his silence.

From their interaction, Erebus is sure that Kyrie is not just any ordinary human being. To know so much of the god realm, Kyrie should at least have some connection with it. 

"That kid… His fate threads are anything but common. He only has three gold threads. All of them are filled with essence. The lingering essence is an indication that maybe someone has created them. Aside from that, he possesses no red threads like he is a ghost or worse; it's as if he has not been recorded in the scroll of life."

"Gold?" Phanes raises one of her eyebrows. She knows one being that has gold fate threads.