
When Kyrie watches Cynthia slam her sword into Ian's arm, he knows that he had only one choice left. Sil watches Kyrie lifting the flask of potion to his lips.

Words inevitably escape from Sil's mouth since he does not understand, "Why are you sacrificing so much for that man?"

Kyrie lets out a gentle smile, and his eyes soften at his own words, "There are people in this world that are worth risking for… He is worth saving… Anytime… Every time…"

He drinks the potion, and his eyes empty of life. Eventually, a dark green substance like a curtain covers his eyes completely. His body beams in a blinding light, and he starts floating up. From his abdomen, green smoke comes out into a spherical shape on top of Kyrie's floating body and slowly expands. 

Imogen stabs her sword on the enchantment circle, and the circle breaks, finally ending the deadly game that threatens to turn them into ghouls.