It has been a while...

"You won't be able to handle all the gates on your own, Imogen. Even when it was both of us, we could barely make it," Ian feels reluctant to leave Imogen to face all the future events alone.

"You don't have to give me your answer right now," Imogen stops when the hostess brought the food.

"Are you two leaving?" Laurel turns to face Imogen. Suddenly, she feels heaviness in her chest.

"I am," Imogen replies while looking at Laurel, "But you can come with me."

Laurel tries to hide her smile, but Imogen warns, "It is not to play though, Laurel. You could die without even knowing."

Laurel takes Imogen's serious expressions and nods carefully. 

The true events that turn the world upside down are going to happen. The events that Kyrie has read about and has been anxiously waiting to occur will soon come to pass, sweeping till the ends of every corner of this world.

Ian's eyes show concern over Imogen's decision, "Imogen… But Laurel…"