Incomplete worlds

Sil lets out a sad smile, "Maybe this is also a good thing."

"About what? Who are you?"

Sil walks away without answering Kyrie's question, leaving Kyrie with more questions than answers as to why Sil does not plan to tell him. Clearly, Kyrie is aware that Sil knows him. However, he does not think too much and turns around to leave. He still needs to get to where Laurel should be waiting for him. 

Once he walks for a few minutes, he encounters the carriage. The driver opens the carriage door to him.

"Hey!" Laurel waves at Kyrie, "You had it bad, huh."

Laurel looks at Kyrie's messy appearance compared to how he entered the building.

"Tell me about it! Not being able to use mana is a hassle."

"Here… Clothes."

"Thanks," Kyrie takes the clothes and goes out to change.

Kyrie comes back after a few minutes. 

"How long have you guys been here?" Kyrie asks as he closes the carriage door.